Previous: "Don't Be Snappy"
Next: "Hunted Down"
Series 4 Episode 2
Guest Starring: Ruth Kearney
Lloyd Daniels walked down the ARC corridor. He was lucky to be alive. A few days ago, he was nearly killed by a Mosasaur. If it wasn’t for Cutter, he wouldn’t be alive now. Since The X Factor, Lloyd had wanted a quiet (or as quiet as you could get fighting prehistoric creatures) life, but everyone was treating him differently because he was a celebrity. He wanted to be normal. But recently, he’d been feeling more normal. Which he liked. He was fitting in a bit better within the team. Especially with the Mosasaur occurrence, he’d been with Cutter and Danny searching for the creature. Before, he’d been watching from the sidelines.
“Morning!”, a cheery Mia said hi to Lloyd.
“Hiya”, Lloyd replied.
“You alright?”, Mia asked him.
“Yeah, I’m good thanks”, Lloyd quietly replied. He was tired. He wasn’t a morning person. Then a young girl bounced up to him.
“Hi! I’m Jess Parker, the new field co-ordinator”, Jess excitedly introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Lloyd”, Lloyd said back.
“Nice to meet you. Now, Lester’s wanted me to introduce these things to you. They’re new trackers. I can see on my computer screen exactly where you are. I will speak to you from my computer through these earpieces. You can also communicate with each other”, Jess ran through the new devices.
“Ah, Lloyd”, came a voice from above. It was James Lester, “Could you round up the team for me please?”. Lloyd nodded. He ran around the ARC telling everyone to meet in the Main Operations Room. Once he was finished, Lester began his speech.
“Right everyone. There are some changes that have been put in place. First of all, we have a new field co-ordinator. You may or may not have met Jess, but she will be based here at the ARC and you will report to her. Jess will run through the new gadgets we have. Also, we now have a rota that will tell you what days you go out when there’s an anomaly alert. As there are so many of you on the team, some will go out on some days whilst some will stay here and do other bits of work”, Lester ran through the changes. The team didn’t seem too happy about the last change. They enjoyed working as a team so this was a massive shock to them.
“Anomaly detected. Location: the ARC?”, Jess sounded confused. The anomaly had opened in the ARC corridor. The team all ran out to the corridor, and there the anomaly was. Right in front of them.
They had waited for half an hour, but the anomaly did nothing. Until suddenly, something little popped through. It was like a bird. A whole flock of them followed. They started wandering around the ARC. The whole team were shellshocked! They started nipping at Connor and Jenny. The rest of the team tried to distract them away from Jenny and Connor, but they kept nipping. Jenny was not happy!
”Get off me!”, she was shouting.
“Jenny, that’s not helping!”, Connor tried to reassure her. He was certain that it was Jenny who was keeping them there.
“They’re Mei long from the Cretaceous era”, Cutter identified, “They won’t cause any harm but they’ll be a lot of trouble”.
“Guys? Can we concentrate on getting them away from us?”, Connor was slightly annoyed now. The nips were starting to hurt his legs and his toes. After all, the Mei long creatures did not get above their knees. Abby, Sarah and Mia looked at each other, nodded, and went to distract the creatures. They were making all sorts of noises and gestures, and the bird-like creatures ran after them. They led them to the anomaly, but instead, they ran around it instead. The team were not happy.
The Mei long proceeded to exit the ARC. The doors were being held open by a soldier, who was waiting for another soldier. He was pretty freaked out when he saw them! They ran outside and ducked under the security gate. The ARC team ran outside aswell. They had to get them away from the main road. But it was too late. They just wandered across, and the cars didn’t stop in time. Luckily, no humans were hurt, but the Mei long themselves were all dead.
“Shame there wasn’t anything we could do”, Jess said when they got back into the ARC. The team were pretty gloomy. They were, in general, harmless.
“Serves them right!”, Jenny hadn’t recovered from being pecked earlier on. The whole team glared at her.
“I suppose these things just happen”, Claudia added.
What the team didn’t know was that someone was watching from one of the labs. She scribbled something down on a notepad. It read…
“Morning!”, a cheery Mia said hi to Lloyd.
“Hiya”, Lloyd replied.
“You alright?”, Mia asked him.
“Yeah, I’m good thanks”, Lloyd quietly replied. He was tired. He wasn’t a morning person. Then a young girl bounced up to him.
“Hi! I’m Jess Parker, the new field co-ordinator”, Jess excitedly introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Lloyd”, Lloyd said back.
“Nice to meet you. Now, Lester’s wanted me to introduce these things to you. They’re new trackers. I can see on my computer screen exactly where you are. I will speak to you from my computer through these earpieces. You can also communicate with each other”, Jess ran through the new devices.
“Ah, Lloyd”, came a voice from above. It was James Lester, “Could you round up the team for me please?”. Lloyd nodded. He ran around the ARC telling everyone to meet in the Main Operations Room. Once he was finished, Lester began his speech.
“Right everyone. There are some changes that have been put in place. First of all, we have a new field co-ordinator. You may or may not have met Jess, but she will be based here at the ARC and you will report to her. Jess will run through the new gadgets we have. Also, we now have a rota that will tell you what days you go out when there’s an anomaly alert. As there are so many of you on the team, some will go out on some days whilst some will stay here and do other bits of work”, Lester ran through the changes. The team didn’t seem too happy about the last change. They enjoyed working as a team so this was a massive shock to them.
“Anomaly detected. Location: the ARC?”, Jess sounded confused. The anomaly had opened in the ARC corridor. The team all ran out to the corridor, and there the anomaly was. Right in front of them.
They had waited for half an hour, but the anomaly did nothing. Until suddenly, something little popped through. It was like a bird. A whole flock of them followed. They started wandering around the ARC. The whole team were shellshocked! They started nipping at Connor and Jenny. The rest of the team tried to distract them away from Jenny and Connor, but they kept nipping. Jenny was not happy!
”Get off me!”, she was shouting.
“Jenny, that’s not helping!”, Connor tried to reassure her. He was certain that it was Jenny who was keeping them there.
“They’re Mei long from the Cretaceous era”, Cutter identified, “They won’t cause any harm but they’ll be a lot of trouble”.
“Guys? Can we concentrate on getting them away from us?”, Connor was slightly annoyed now. The nips were starting to hurt his legs and his toes. After all, the Mei long creatures did not get above their knees. Abby, Sarah and Mia looked at each other, nodded, and went to distract the creatures. They were making all sorts of noises and gestures, and the bird-like creatures ran after them. They led them to the anomaly, but instead, they ran around it instead. The team were not happy.
The Mei long proceeded to exit the ARC. The doors were being held open by a soldier, who was waiting for another soldier. He was pretty freaked out when he saw them! They ran outside and ducked under the security gate. The ARC team ran outside aswell. They had to get them away from the main road. But it was too late. They just wandered across, and the cars didn’t stop in time. Luckily, no humans were hurt, but the Mei long themselves were all dead.
“Shame there wasn’t anything we could do”, Jess said when they got back into the ARC. The team were pretty gloomy. They were, in general, harmless.
“Serves them right!”, Jenny hadn’t recovered from being pecked earlier on. The whole team glared at her.
“I suppose these things just happen”, Claudia added.
What the team didn’t know was that someone was watching from one of the labs. She scribbled something down on a notepad. It read…
Next: "Hunted Down"