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Series 1 Episode 9
"Clueless & Jobless"
Off went the Anomaly Detector, a sound that Mia Turner was now very familiar with. She had come across the team while trying to escape from some savage creatures, which was part of Helen’s plan. Nick Cutter asked her to join the team. Although, Abby Maitland didn’t like her much, she had become fantastic friends with Connor Temple, Sarah Page, and the 2 people who are identical but not related, Claudia Brown & Jenny Lewis. Mia ran over to the Detector, and started locating the anomaly. Suddenly, the screen blanked out.
”What did you do?”, asked Abby, running over. Connor followed.
”I’m sure she didn’t do anything, must be some technical fault”, answered Connor, reassuring Mia that she hadn’t done anything. She had learnt to ignore Abby now though.
“Oh, that’s strange”, said Connor, rather confused, “There’s nothing wrong with the wires, and the batteries in the screens were put in yesterday, so it can’t be them”.
“Must be interference”, suggested Danny Quinn, who had recently been appointed joint leader of the team, with Cutter. Although he was used to being a leader, as he was the team leader back in the world with the ARC, Jenny’s world, the world without Cutter.
The London Dungeons were very busy. It was a horrible day, with a massive storm, so people decided to take this opportunity to look around the Dungeons. Inside, a little light appeared, not noticed by anyone. A massive cat kind of creature wandered through, and went out to the place where they do the boat rides. A group of people were waiting to get onto a boat, looking scared. They looked even more scared when the cat came and gobbled them up, aswell as the staff there. The creature proceeded round the Dungeons.
“You’re telling me that we have an anomaly alert, and we can’t detect where it is!”, barked James Lester, who appeared to have a sore throat today, “And Mia was the one using it when it went off!”
“It wasn’t Mia’s fault”, said Connor, determined to stick up for Mia.
“I don’t care. The repairs for it can come out of her wages, and if she doesn’t agree, she can walk out right now”, croaked Lester.
“Who’s she, the cat’s mother?”, shouted Mia, bursting into tears, “and if you’re like this to me, I’m out”.
“Mia, you can’t go!”, cried Sarah. But Mia had already made up her mind. She stormed out.
“Now look what you’ve done”, Connor said in an angry voice to Lester.
“You can get lost too”, replied Lester, who was in a really bad mood today. Connor stormed out after her.
“Well, if they’re going, I am too!”, Sarah immediately said. And off she went!
“Me too!”, said Jenny, not letting Lester be like that.
“Oh great, we only have 4 left in the team now. Thanks Lester”, summed up Danny.
After 10 minutes of sulking, Nick Cutter decided that the remaining 4 should go on a rampage across the area, checking everywhere.
“Mia said that the anomaly was around the area of the London Dungeons, so we should go up there, and check everywhere. Danny, you go into the Dungeons themselves, and Claudia will go round the shops nearby. Abby will check the train station, and I will look round the nearby buildings. We will all have some armed soldiers with us. OK?”, revealed Cutter.
“Got it”, answered Claudia, Danny and Abby in unison.
Mia sat outside her house. She was having such a good time at the Home Office, and was really annoyed to be sacked. She was happy, though, because she heard Connor shouting at Lester after she’d gone, then loads of footsteps leaving the Main Floor. Connor followed Mia, with Sarah behind, and Jenny even further back. Connor got to Mia, and sat next to her.
”Thanks, for sticking up for me”, thanked Mia.
“Don’t mention it”, replied Connor, “He sacked me, and Sarah and Jenny walked out. We all stood up for you, and are disgusted at Lester”.
Just as Connor finished the sentence, Sarah came up, and Jenny was jogging behind. Mia hugged all of them, and gave Connor a special kiss.
“Woah!”, said a shocked Connor, blushing. The girls laughed.
“So, should we go and find the anomaly ourselves?”, queried Sarah, missing the action already, not that she shared the action that much.
And before you could say Coelerusauravus, they were off on their way to the London Dungeons.
Danny had found the anomaly, and told the soldiers to get some lights on, and lock the anomaly. He spoke to Cutter, Abby and Claudia through the comms. They went to meet him. All they had to do now was to search the area, to find out if anything had come through.
10 minutes later, Connor and his half of the team arrived at the Dungeons, just as Cutter, Claudia and Abby went in. They tried shouting, but it was too late. They just followed them in. Little did they know how dangerous it would be inside.
James Lester was filled with anger, after he lost 4 members of his team. Believe it or not, he was feeling a little bit of regret. He just drank his cup of tea and filled out the final forms for the ARC to try and get over it.
Danny came across Cutter, Abby and Claudia, who had got their guns at the ready.
“Something’s down here, I’ve seen loads of bodies. We need to tell the people to get the lights on”, Danny told the others.
“I’m onto it”, efficiently replied Claudia. She walked back out, and to the main office there. The rest of that part of the team went on looking around.
Meanwhile, Mia’s half was also looking around carefully, when they stumbled across the dead bodies by the river aswell. Connor was so surprised he nearly fell into the water. Jenny stared at him, raising her eyebrow, and doing her “He’s mad!” look. Connor gathered himself together, and noticed Danny, Abby, Cutter and loads of soldiers. Suddenly, the cat creature came out of hiding and pounced on Mia! She fought it off, but in the end it was too strong, and scratched her. Connor took Abby’s gun and shot it several times. It lay dead on the floor.
“We’ve encountered one of these before. It was a Smilodon”, remembered Cutter.
Connor was helping Mia on the floor, shedding a few tears. Sarah and Jenny looked worried aswell.
”Abby, call an ambulance”, ordered Cutter.
Abby just stormed out instead, muttering to herself, “Why is it all about Mia? She’s even lured Connor in”.
Instead, Danny called the ambulance, and just as he ended the call, the lights came on and Claudia came back in.
“What’s happened?”, asked Claudia, seeing Mia lying on the floor.
“She was attacked by a Smilodon”, answered Cutter.
Connor was sitting at the side of Mia’s bed in hospital. It was only a few cuts, and the doctor said she could come out later that day. Although, the paramedics did also say she was close to bleeding to death, and if they hadn’t called the ambulance, she would have died. James Lester walked up to Mia’s bed.
“OK, I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well, and am in a grumpy mood”, apologised Lester.
“More than usual”, interrupted Connor. Mia giggled.
“As I was saying”, continued Lester, “You can…oh, I may regret this, but…you can have your jobs back. Tell Sarah and Jenny that aswell.”
Just as he finished his sentence, Connor saw Abby Maitland standing behind Lester.
“Just came to see if she was OK”, said Abby, looking blankly at Connor.
“I’m fine thanks”, answered Mia, “But something hasn’t changed, everyone still calls me she”. Everyone laughed. “Oh, and Connor, I’ve something to ask you. In private”, Mia looked at everyone. They all started walking away, “Connor, would you like to…erm…sorry…would you like to go for a, erm, drink, with me?” After a few seconds, Connor nodded, and they kissed. But hiding in the shadows of London, was a woman, in her late 30’s, with short brown hair. She was drawing out a plan for something.
”HeHeHe. Now I will finally succeed in this plan,” the woman muttered. It was Helen Cutter.
Off went the Anomaly Detector, a sound that Mia Turner was now very familiar with. She had come across the team while trying to escape from some savage creatures, which was part of Helen’s plan. Nick Cutter asked her to join the team. Although, Abby Maitland didn’t like her much, she had become fantastic friends with Connor Temple, Sarah Page, and the 2 people who are identical but not related, Claudia Brown & Jenny Lewis. Mia ran over to the Detector, and started locating the anomaly. Suddenly, the screen blanked out.
”What did you do?”, asked Abby, running over. Connor followed.
”I’m sure she didn’t do anything, must be some technical fault”, answered Connor, reassuring Mia that she hadn’t done anything. She had learnt to ignore Abby now though.
“Oh, that’s strange”, said Connor, rather confused, “There’s nothing wrong with the wires, and the batteries in the screens were put in yesterday, so it can’t be them”.
“Must be interference”, suggested Danny Quinn, who had recently been appointed joint leader of the team, with Cutter. Although he was used to being a leader, as he was the team leader back in the world with the ARC, Jenny’s world, the world without Cutter.
The London Dungeons were very busy. It was a horrible day, with a massive storm, so people decided to take this opportunity to look around the Dungeons. Inside, a little light appeared, not noticed by anyone. A massive cat kind of creature wandered through, and went out to the place where they do the boat rides. A group of people were waiting to get onto a boat, looking scared. They looked even more scared when the cat came and gobbled them up, aswell as the staff there. The creature proceeded round the Dungeons.
“You’re telling me that we have an anomaly alert, and we can’t detect where it is!”, barked James Lester, who appeared to have a sore throat today, “And Mia was the one using it when it went off!”
“It wasn’t Mia’s fault”, said Connor, determined to stick up for Mia.
“I don’t care. The repairs for it can come out of her wages, and if she doesn’t agree, she can walk out right now”, croaked Lester.
“Who’s she, the cat’s mother?”, shouted Mia, bursting into tears, “and if you’re like this to me, I’m out”.
“Mia, you can’t go!”, cried Sarah. But Mia had already made up her mind. She stormed out.
“Now look what you’ve done”, Connor said in an angry voice to Lester.
“You can get lost too”, replied Lester, who was in a really bad mood today. Connor stormed out after her.
“Well, if they’re going, I am too!”, Sarah immediately said. And off she went!
“Me too!”, said Jenny, not letting Lester be like that.
“Oh great, we only have 4 left in the team now. Thanks Lester”, summed up Danny.
After 10 minutes of sulking, Nick Cutter decided that the remaining 4 should go on a rampage across the area, checking everywhere.
“Mia said that the anomaly was around the area of the London Dungeons, so we should go up there, and check everywhere. Danny, you go into the Dungeons themselves, and Claudia will go round the shops nearby. Abby will check the train station, and I will look round the nearby buildings. We will all have some armed soldiers with us. OK?”, revealed Cutter.
“Got it”, answered Claudia, Danny and Abby in unison.
Mia sat outside her house. She was having such a good time at the Home Office, and was really annoyed to be sacked. She was happy, though, because she heard Connor shouting at Lester after she’d gone, then loads of footsteps leaving the Main Floor. Connor followed Mia, with Sarah behind, and Jenny even further back. Connor got to Mia, and sat next to her.
”Thanks, for sticking up for me”, thanked Mia.
“Don’t mention it”, replied Connor, “He sacked me, and Sarah and Jenny walked out. We all stood up for you, and are disgusted at Lester”.
Just as Connor finished the sentence, Sarah came up, and Jenny was jogging behind. Mia hugged all of them, and gave Connor a special kiss.
“Woah!”, said a shocked Connor, blushing. The girls laughed.
“So, should we go and find the anomaly ourselves?”, queried Sarah, missing the action already, not that she shared the action that much.
And before you could say Coelerusauravus, they were off on their way to the London Dungeons.
Danny had found the anomaly, and told the soldiers to get some lights on, and lock the anomaly. He spoke to Cutter, Abby and Claudia through the comms. They went to meet him. All they had to do now was to search the area, to find out if anything had come through.
10 minutes later, Connor and his half of the team arrived at the Dungeons, just as Cutter, Claudia and Abby went in. They tried shouting, but it was too late. They just followed them in. Little did they know how dangerous it would be inside.
James Lester was filled with anger, after he lost 4 members of his team. Believe it or not, he was feeling a little bit of regret. He just drank his cup of tea and filled out the final forms for the ARC to try and get over it.
Danny came across Cutter, Abby and Claudia, who had got their guns at the ready.
“Something’s down here, I’ve seen loads of bodies. We need to tell the people to get the lights on”, Danny told the others.
“I’m onto it”, efficiently replied Claudia. She walked back out, and to the main office there. The rest of that part of the team went on looking around.
Meanwhile, Mia’s half was also looking around carefully, when they stumbled across the dead bodies by the river aswell. Connor was so surprised he nearly fell into the water. Jenny stared at him, raising her eyebrow, and doing her “He’s mad!” look. Connor gathered himself together, and noticed Danny, Abby, Cutter and loads of soldiers. Suddenly, the cat creature came out of hiding and pounced on Mia! She fought it off, but in the end it was too strong, and scratched her. Connor took Abby’s gun and shot it several times. It lay dead on the floor.
“We’ve encountered one of these before. It was a Smilodon”, remembered Cutter.
Connor was helping Mia on the floor, shedding a few tears. Sarah and Jenny looked worried aswell.
”Abby, call an ambulance”, ordered Cutter.
Abby just stormed out instead, muttering to herself, “Why is it all about Mia? She’s even lured Connor in”.
Instead, Danny called the ambulance, and just as he ended the call, the lights came on and Claudia came back in.
“What’s happened?”, asked Claudia, seeing Mia lying on the floor.
“She was attacked by a Smilodon”, answered Cutter.
Connor was sitting at the side of Mia’s bed in hospital. It was only a few cuts, and the doctor said she could come out later that day. Although, the paramedics did also say she was close to bleeding to death, and if they hadn’t called the ambulance, she would have died. James Lester walked up to Mia’s bed.
“OK, I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well, and am in a grumpy mood”, apologised Lester.
“More than usual”, interrupted Connor. Mia giggled.
“As I was saying”, continued Lester, “You can…oh, I may regret this, but…you can have your jobs back. Tell Sarah and Jenny that aswell.”
Just as he finished his sentence, Connor saw Abby Maitland standing behind Lester.
“Just came to see if she was OK”, said Abby, looking blankly at Connor.
“I’m fine thanks”, answered Mia, “But something hasn’t changed, everyone still calls me she”. Everyone laughed. “Oh, and Connor, I’ve something to ask you. In private”, Mia looked at everyone. They all started walking away, “Connor, would you like to…erm…sorry…would you like to go for a, erm, drink, with me?” After a few seconds, Connor nodded, and they kissed. But hiding in the shadows of London, was a woman, in her late 30’s, with short brown hair. She was drawing out a plan for something.
”HeHeHe. Now I will finally succeed in this plan,” the woman muttered. It was Helen Cutter.
Next: "Not Part of the Act"