Series 11 Episode 7
"Comfortable Silence"
Dylan felt sick. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Unbelievably, all of his prayers were being answered, and his ridiculous day had turned into the greatest miracle he could have asked for, or at the very least, a light at the end of the tunnel.
After all, if the serum wasn’t the cure and therefore not a solution to their problem, nothing could have been. The Nemeton didn’t like two alphas in the same pack, but the problem would vanish if one of them was no longer a werewolf, wouldn’t it?
The shared look of hope with Jono meant everything. For both their sakes, Dylan hoped he was right. There had to be a good reason why such a small serum was hidden out of the way with way more secrecy than anything else in that basement. He had seen the Sanctum’s cure before, and this definitely fit the bill. Dylan thought he had destroyed the last remnants of it, but Leadsom being a liar was the least surprising part of his day.
“I thought there was no cure left,” Oscar pondered.
“So did I, I didn’t even consider it,” Dylan admitted.
“Wait, this cure,” Brett queried, “Nobody’s ever taken it before, right? We don’t actually know if it works.”
“I don’t care, there’s no other way,” Jono took the serum from Brett’s hand.
“No,” Dylan panicked, “It doesn’t have to be you. You’ve given up enough for my sake. Let me do this.”
“Dyl, people know who you are. You have a reputation. Every werewolf for miles knows Dylan Drummond. I’ve never been anything more than your sidekick. I don’t need to be a werewolf for that,” Jono explained.
“You’re so much more than that,” Dylan insisted. Jono was never just his sidekick – they were equals in every way, “And if it doesn’t work?”
“Then at least we know we tried,” Jono defended. Before Dylan could say anything more, Jono tipped the serum into his mouth. Dylan’s heart skipped a beat as he gulped it down in an instant. That was it. If they had a chance at succeeding, it was on its way and the waiting game was beginning.
All Dylan had to do was pray things didn’t go wrong.
After all, if the serum wasn’t the cure and therefore not a solution to their problem, nothing could have been. The Nemeton didn’t like two alphas in the same pack, but the problem would vanish if one of them was no longer a werewolf, wouldn’t it?
The shared look of hope with Jono meant everything. For both their sakes, Dylan hoped he was right. There had to be a good reason why such a small serum was hidden out of the way with way more secrecy than anything else in that basement. He had seen the Sanctum’s cure before, and this definitely fit the bill. Dylan thought he had destroyed the last remnants of it, but Leadsom being a liar was the least surprising part of his day.
“I thought there was no cure left,” Oscar pondered.
“So did I, I didn’t even consider it,” Dylan admitted.
“Wait, this cure,” Brett queried, “Nobody’s ever taken it before, right? We don’t actually know if it works.”
“I don’t care, there’s no other way,” Jono took the serum from Brett’s hand.
“No,” Dylan panicked, “It doesn’t have to be you. You’ve given up enough for my sake. Let me do this.”
“Dyl, people know who you are. You have a reputation. Every werewolf for miles knows Dylan Drummond. I’ve never been anything more than your sidekick. I don’t need to be a werewolf for that,” Jono explained.
“You’re so much more than that,” Dylan insisted. Jono was never just his sidekick – they were equals in every way, “And if it doesn’t work?”
“Then at least we know we tried,” Jono defended. Before Dylan could say anything more, Jono tipped the serum into his mouth. Dylan’s heart skipped a beat as he gulped it down in an instant. That was it. If they had a chance at succeeding, it was on its way and the waiting game was beginning.
All Dylan had to do was pray things didn’t go wrong.
Noticing his leg bobbing up and down, Dylan felt sick. It was something he’d noticed numerous times over the night. Somehow, his leg was the only part of his body that actually had energy. A sleepless night was bad enough, but when Dylan was as worried, confused and scared as he was, it was the worst possible cocktail.
Two things in particular were on Dylan’s mind. Looking at his phone in the repair shop to notice a sea of missed calls from several different people caused a lot of panic, and the news was still somehow worse than Dylan had feared. Harry was in a critical condition, and he’d spent a night by the bedside of his comatose boyfriend, desperately waiting for an update.
Throughout, Dylan had been glutted to his phone. He was waiting anxiously for a text from Jono or an update from Lily, but still, there had been nothing. He’d collapsed immediately after drinking the serum, so whether it had worked or not was anyone’s guess. There was one indicator, though – the storm outside had cleared, and nobody was dead. They’d stopped the curse, but at what cost?
“Maybe we should find a doctor,” Caroline pondered. She’d not long arrived at the hospital, and Dylan was relieved to have some company. He desperately needed his mum.
“They’ll tell us if they know anything,” Dylan assumed. As much as he loved having Caroline with him, he wasn’t in the mood for chat. There was far too much on his mind. A comfortable silence was all that was needed.
“I know how you feel,” Caroline continued trying to make conversation.
“Do you?” Dylan bluntly replied, immediately regretting his tone. He wasn’t meaning to be rude.
“Yes, in a different way. I’ve never stopped loving your dad, and when Ed came along, I felt feelings for him too. I know how it feels to be torn between two people. The difference is that my decision was made for me the second we lost your father,” Caroline recalled, “Because although I still loved him, I knew he was gone. Doesn’t make it easy to accept, though.”
“So how do I choose?” Dylan worried. He felt so guilty to be thinking about himself when Harry was fighting for his life, but it was all-consuming.
“I can’t make that decision for you,” Caroline advised, speaking words of wisdom so naturally, “But whatever you choose, you’ll be hurting someone, so don’t choose to hurt yourself, too. Go with your heart.”
Breaking the moment, Dylan’s phone buzzed. A text from Lily. Dylan couldn’t have opened the message any faster.
“He’s awake, will update you x”
Dylan’s panic only increased. He needed to know Jono was okay. He glanced at Harry lying so helplessly, still unconscious on the hospital bed. His heart ached. He was in the most impossible situation.
Gulping down a glass of water, Jono couldn’t shake how weird he felt. It was like he’d just woken up from the worst night’s sleep ever, and he just couldn’t shake the most uncomfortable headache. He just didn’t feel right.
Even the calming nature of the lakehouse couldn’t help lift Jono’s mood. He hadn’t seen the beautiful, gentle view of the lake from so close in seven years, but the beauty of some parts of Crystalshaw had never left his mind.
Jono froze. He was still in Crystalshaw. He remembered the night before. The hospital. The lockdown. His father. The repair shop. The serum.
The weather had cleared up, and Lily wasn’t remotely panicked by his continued presence. It had worked. It must have, Jono assumed, or he’d have been wheeled onto the first flight back to London, conscious or not.
The pounding in Jono’s head continued. He hadn’t felt that rough in so long. In fact, Jono hadn’t felt anywhere near that bad since before he was a werewolf. His body wasn’t healing like it used to. It had worked. He was human again.
“Feeling any better?” Lily walked back into the guest bedroom holding a cup of tea.
“No,” Jono chuckled, “It worked, then.”
“Here, take a couple of these,” Lily handed him a pack of paracetamol, “I know it’s been a while since either of us needed these. I stole them from George’s stash.”
“Where’s Dylan?” Jono wondered as he broke through the protective foil covering the tablets with his nails.
“Hospital. Harry got hurt last night. He’s in a bad way,” Lily explained. Jono immediately felt guilty. Dylan obviously had far more important things on his mind, “I told him you were awake.”
“I want to visit,” Jono considered. The fact that he barely knew Harry was irrelevant. Whatever the future held for Jono and Dylan, he knew Harry would be there in some capacity as a part of the pack. Jono had to make the effort, “I know now’s not the time, but I think Dylan and I have a lot to talk about.”
“If I know Dylan, he’ll be going out of his mind with worry right now, and Harry won’t be the only reason why. Besides, I know what dad would say. He was never one to beat around the bush,” Lily reasoned, “Come on, I’ll take you now. Get dressed, we’ll go in ten.” Jono nodded. His life had changed overnight, and suddenly, thinking about the future felt ten times easier.
Finding the energy to focus was proving to be a challenging mission for Jeremy. He thought going to work would be a welcome distraction from everything that happened the day before, especially knowing he had Yasmin around for company, but it wasn’t working. Being in a laboratory probably wasn’t a good idea when he was in such a state.
There was work to be done, though. The attack at the hospital was being treated as a crime by Ed and the doctor was an official suspect, supernatural or not. Jeremy’s only worry was when the creature eventually stops possessing him – an innocent man’s future was in jeopardy because of things he had no control over. He hated to think how Ed was going to explain that.
“Is it just me who’s finding this entirely pointless?” Yasmin sighed, “I mean, even if Ed wants to arrest the doctor, what’s to stop the creature just possessing Ed, or one of us?”
“It would help if we knew what it was,” Jeremy pondered, “Where’s the Bestiary these days?”
“Hold on,” Yasmin typed frantically at her laptop, “I got it scanned in a few years ago, saves us going all the way to that bunker every time we need to look something up. Anything coming up with the forensics? Could help us narrow this thing down.”
“Nothing yet,” Jeremy raised an eyebrow. The data was taking a surprisingly long time to show.
Yasmin’s phone buzzed. Immediately, upon looking at it, she beamed as if she’d received the best news ever. Nobody looked at their notifications like that unless something was going on. Unless they had someone to make them smile like that.
“What?” Yasmin blurted as she noticed Jeremy watching her, “It’s just my mom.”
“Yeah, right,” Jeremy laughed. That was the worst excuse Yasmin could have given, “Who’s the lucky guy? Anyone I know?”
“No,” Yasmin lied again, “And stop listening to my heartbeat.”
“I would never,” Jeremy chuckled. He was far more comfortable with Yasmin than with most people.
“It’s nothing. Not at the moment, anyway,” Yasmin admitted, “So I don’t want to give anything away yet.”
“Do you want something more to happen?” Jeremy probed, desperate to know more.
“I feel like I should be saying no, but that would be a lie,” Yasmin shrugged, “I’m falling for someone that goes against my nature, I guess.”
“If you’re falling for them, they can’t be that bad, can they?” Jeremy considered, “You must have seen some good in him.”
“Yeah,” Yasmin sighed, “I don’t know. Can we discuss something else?”
“Sure,” Jeremy replied, focusing back on the forensics, “Maybe we can discuss how there is still no DNA showing up from the hospital?”
“That’s impossible, there’s always DNA,” Yasmin replied.
“I know. This was the door handle to Uncle Steve’s room, it would match doctors, nurses, even Lily and Helen,” Jeremy noted, “But nothing. Not one shred of DNA on that handle.”
“Wait, you remember that sample you had from town with no DNA?” Yasmin recalled, “This must be the same thing. Not only does it not have DNA, but it absorbs or eliminates it.”
“We need to check the bar forensics,” Jeremy decided, “If we can find a link, we can help catch this thing.” Suddenly, Jeremy was fired up. He had to get to the bottom of this mystery, for the whole pack’s sake.
“Settle down, please,” Sammi enforced as she jogged hurriedly into the classroom. The light chat quickly simmered down around the chemistry lab – a far cry from Sammi’s usual environment. Cover lessons were an unavoidable part of teaching, but it didn’t make Sammi feel any more enthusiastic about them.
In the comfort of her own classroom, Sammi never had to worry. She could teach English with her eyes closed. Chemistry was nowhere near her comfort zone, and having to teach it made her a little anxious with absolutely no subject knowledge.
“Mr. Abukar is at home sick today, but he’s left some tasks for you to complete,” Sammi nevertheless applied a poker face of confidence as she handed out the booklets of work, “You can work in pairs, but spare me the hassle of a headache by keeping the volume low, please.”
Sammi handed the final booklet out to Jonah. As if the lesson wasn’t awkward enough already, her brother-in-law was in the class. The atmosphere was uncomfortable – he obviously hated having his parent figure in his lesson as much as she did, regardless of how close they were at home.
“Leah’s not here,” Jonah subtly mentioned as Sammi passed.
“Is she in school today?” Sammi questioned.
“Yeah, we were sat together in math just now. She never made it here,” Jonah clarified.
“I’ll send an email,” Sammi noticed. There was almost definitely a good reason for Leah’s absence, but Jonah was very protective over her. They were surely more than friends, Sammi assumed.
As Sammi headed back to the teacher desk, she spotted Keisha through the door with a big grin on her face. Rubbing it in on her free period, no doubt. Sammi invited her inside with a quick flick of her hand. She could afford a quick chat while the class were working.
“You drew the short straw, then,” Keisha teased.
“Don’t go there,” Sammi smiled, unable to resist laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation, “How did you swerve this?”
“It’s my guidance counsellor admin period,” Keisha explained, “Just wanted to check you were okay. You know, after yesterday.”
“I guess,” Sammi shrugged, “Everyone’s more focused on Jono right now. I suppose it’s a welcome distraction.”
“Is he okay?” Keisha continued.
“Fine, he’s awake,” Sammi recalled the last text Lily sent her, “Oh, by the way, Cody’s been sniffing around us recently. More than before. Has he come to see you yet?”
“Not since he got back,” Keisha answered nonchalantly, “He sent me a text to say he was back in town but I ignored it. I’m not going out of my way. What he did to Oscar was unforgiveable.”
“I mean, Oscar seems pretty over it,” Sammi didn’t know quite how to describe the situation between Oscar and Cody to her, “Unrelated, but did you see Leah on your way? She’s not arrived.”
“Jonah’s Leah? Yeah, I saw her just now, told her to hurry up and get to class. I thought she’d be here by now,” Keisha relayed.
“Hmm,” Sammi considered. That didn’t sound much like Leah.
“Ms. Reuben,” a student on the front row called out, pointing to the door. There stood Leah, thankfully, but she didn’t look herself. She was vacant. Her gaze was focused straight ahead, but not making eye contact with anyone.
“Hey Leah, take a seat,” Sammi attempted to act normal, but her gut was telling her things weren’t okay. Leah proved her point, too – she didn’t follow the instruction, instead directing her aimless gaze to a pointed glare in Sammi’s direction. Her stomach dropped in pure fear, for both herself and her students.
Leah was possessed, and the whole class was in danger.
Little riled Dylan more than a broken vending machine. All he wanted was a bottle of Coke – the caffeine was more than necessary after being awake for so many hours – yet he’d wasted five dollars already and the machine still wouldn’t slide a bottle out for him. The animal instinct inside him was urging him to punch the glass and grab it himself, but Dylan knew that would cause more problems than it would solve.
Dylan knew the situation was getting to him. He’d been trying to stay strong for both Jono and Harry, but for the first time, Dylan felt his own self-care was slipping. He wasn’t himself any more. He’d been so busy holding other people up that under the surface, Dylan was tired. It was too much.
“Dyl,” a voice called out along the hospital corridor. Only one person in the world called him that, and it was an immediate relief to hear the excited tone of Jono. He was okay. He was safe. Above everything else, that was what mattered.
“Oh my god,” Dylan ran to meet Jono halfway, immediately and instinctively embracing him in a hug that meant more than any hug they’d ever had before. It was the hug that confirmed that Jono was home; this time, for good. Everything they’d risked the night before had been worthwhile. The feel of Jono’s curls tickled Dylan’s face, a sensation he’d perhaps strangely missed, but Dylan savoured every single detail.
“It worked,” Jono revealed, “I’m human. We did it.”
“I’m so relieved,” Dylan shared the huge grin Jono’s face was displaying, “I’ve been so worried.”
“Not just about me, right?” Jono’s grin faded to a more serious, sombre expression.
“How is he?” Lily questioned, catching the couple up.
“I don’t know,” Dylan sighed, “He’s still unconscious. We’re waiting for an update.”
“I’m sorry,” Jono sympathised, “This can’t be easy. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, and whatever you decide to do, I’ll respect it. Take your time, because we finally have all the time in the world.” Dylan nodded. Jono’s understanding meant a lot.
“Mr. Chadwick-Drummond,” a doctor gently called from a few metres away. Dylan’s stomach dropped. This was the update he’d been waiting on. Immediately, Jono and Lily stood either side of him. They were his comfort blanket, and Dylan needed it more than ever.
“That’s me,” Dylan confirmed, “How is he?” He couldn’t help noticing a regretful, perhaps even sad expression on the doctor’s face. It looked like she had bad news to give, and Dylan felt sick.
“Mr. Callahan has suffered some severe injuries to his head which has caused internal bleeding. Our efforts to stop the bleeding haven’t succeeded,” the doctor informed.
“What does that mean?” Jono questioned. He knew Dylan needed the utmost clarity.
“I’m sorry, there is a chance Mr. Callahan may never wake up,” the doctor explained. Dylan felt numb. He didn’t know what to say or do, but there was one thing on his mind; it was all his fault.
Oscar wished he got the chance to watch Brett at basketball practice more often. Work often got in the way, but with a couple of his allocated holidays to still use up, Oscar figured he’d finally rectify that and show his partner some support.
The timing couldn’t have been better, either. So much was happening in Crystalshaw for the first time in a while, and Oscar was already missing the quiet life. He’d been through so much since arriving in Crystalshaw, and the idea of settling down sounded extremely tempting.
After all, Oscar felt way more relaxed than he had in a long time, watching Brett on the basketball court. They were so at home among the team, and the support Brett had from their teammates warmed Oscar’s heart. Playing for the local team led to some media coverage, and the cesspit of social media had seen more than a few derogatory remarks towards Brett and their gender and pronouns. It made Oscar angry, but Brett continued to silence them with their game skills, and it made Oscar the proudest boyfriend on the planet.
The bell sounded. Practice was over. Oscar immediately jogged down from the bleachers to meet Brett in the changing rooms. On the way, his phone buzzed incessantly. Yasmin, he assumed, but for that day, Oscar didn’t care. He’d spent the previous day under the possession of some supernatural entity that they hadn’t even identified, so he’d more than completed his shift within the pack for the time being. He valued his friends, but he also valued his relationship, and supporting Brett took priority for a change.
Inside the changing rooms, Oscar couldn’t find Brett. Their neon blue and pink clothing was hanging up, visible from a mile away among the tedium of the other teammates’ clothing, but no sign of Brett themselves. Everyone Oscar passed had a body to die for, a six-pack proudly displayed as they sprayed deodorant and dried themselves from the showers. Worlds away from Oscar himself, who had never taken much to sport.
“Hey, where’s Brett?” Oscar asked Leyton, one of the only players who didn’t totally tower over him.
“Coach Arnott wanted to speak to them,” Leyton replied, “They’re through there.”
“Thanks,” Oscar nodded. He carried on walking, past the showers and into the court itself. Brett was stood at the side as Coach Arnott looked to be lecturing them, Brett politely nodding every few seconds in response. Oscar could have listened in if he wanted to, but privacy and trust was more important than wolf powers.
After a few agonising minutes of waiting, Brett jogged over towards the changing rooms, looking surprised to see Oscar waiting for them – in a good way, Oscar hoped.
“Hey, you were awesome out there,” Oscar greeted, their lips meeting for a kiss.
“Thanks. Hey, can we have a chat? There’s something I need to talk to you about, and I don’t think I can hold it in any longer,” Brett asked. They looked surprisingly preoccupied – worlds away from Brett’s usual free-spiritedness.
“Sure,” Oscar felt worried at the ominous nature of Brett’s request. They led him to the nearest bench on the perimeter of the court, not letting go of his hand for a single second. Oscar couldn’t wait any longer. As soon as they sat down, he just had to ask, “What’s up?”
“Um, so Coach was just telling me that one of the coaches for the Los Angeles Lakers watched the game last week,” Brett began, “He singled me out as the player with the most potential.”
“Woah,” Oscar was taken aback. Not only were they one of the most famous basketball teams in the world, but they were also Brett’s favourite team. He knew how much that praise meant to them, “Congratulations, that’s incredible.”
“That’s not all,” Brett continued, “They want me to join the team. Play for the LA Lakers. An actual NBA team. I’d have to move closer, I can’t commute that far every day.”
“This is huge,” Oscar was astonished. His heart was bursting with pride, “You have to take it.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take you away from everyone you know, it’s not fair,” Brett checked.
“I’m totally sure. This is your dream, and I’m with you every step of the way,” Oscar said, just as an intrusive thought crossed his mind. It wasn’t that easy – he had to speak to someone first, “Um…”
“Cody,” Brett realised, “What are you going to do?” Oscar sighed. He didn’t know the answer, but he knew he needed to have an honest conversation – with both Cody and himself.
Scenarios flooding her mind, Sammi wad desperately trying to think of a solution. Her top priority was keeping her class safe – nothing was more important than that – but she had no plan. Keisha was a werewolf, and sure, she could fight, but Leah was still inside, and she needed just as much protection as any other member of the class.
“Woah,” Jonah remarked, joining Sammi at the front of the room.
“Take a seat, Jonah,” Sammi nudged. She couldn’t risk him being in danger too.
“What’s up with her eyes?” Jonah ignored her, clearly fixated on what had happened to Leah. His protectiveness was admirable, if dangerous in that moment.
“Back door,” Keisha spotted. Of course: the emergency exit, an essential for a chemistry lab.
“It’s alarmed,” Sammi mentioned with a sigh. The last thing they needed was to cause a scene.
“The code should be nearby, it’s regulation,” Keisha mentioned, pointing to the box file on the back shelf. Sammi nodded and power-walked to the back. Leah didn’t move, remaining fixated on Keisha, which was a good thing – it allowed them time to get the class out. Quickly, Sammi flicked through the pile of sheets shoved inside, before noticing a four-digit code written on the inside of the file itself. Nervously, Sammi typed it into the alarm keypad, wishing with each press that it would work.
The alarm beeped and the door clicked open. Without mentioning a word, Sammi ushered the class outside. They were remarkably calm, though Sammi supposed they didn’t know the full story of what was happening – it was for the best.
“Go, both of you,” Keisha commanded, “I can hold her off.”
“I’m not going,” Jonah insisted.
“Come on, it’s not safe,” Sammi demanded.
WHAM! Leah was flung backwards, as if she’d been grabbed by her collar and thrown off guard. The most relieving sight stood in her place – Freddie, with Charlie cowering nervously behind.
“Sorry Crystalshaw, your laptop repairs will have to wait,” Freddie smirked.
“Woah,” Jonah’s wide-eyed gaze said it all. It was obvious that they would be having a difficult conversation that night. The secret was out.
“She’s coming round,” Charlie panicked.
“This way,” Sammi directed, thinking on her feet. She led the group out of the emergency exit and towards the school gate. They had to get Leah off school grounds.
Just as Yasmin had feared, the forensics spoke volumes. The data with no DNA had intrigued her ever since she first saw it. After all, it wasn’t scientifically possible, so how could it exist? It was obvious there had to be some sort of supernatural answer, and it proved that there was still so much about the supernatural world that she didn’t understand.
Things only got more confusing, too. This entity, which seemed to lack of a body of its own, didn’t just have no DNA itself – it could absorb or eliminate other people’s, too. Yasmin was fascinated, but that took second place to fear in her mind. Whatever it was, it was dangerous. Something had broken out of the repair shop basement, and suddenly, the pack had become the target of a series of attacks. There was more going on, and they were all in danger.
“You were right,” Jeremy commented, examining the forensic information he’d loaded on his laptop, “There wasn’t much left of the bar explosion, but the back-door handle didn’t have a single bit of DNA on it.”
“Okay, that’s good, we can connect everything, but there are still some questions. The bar and hospital attacks were directed at us, so how does the attack in town relate to the pack? Why are we the target in the first place?” Yasmin considered. Some pieces of the puzzle were still missing.
“What the stupid Lunar Sanctum has to do with anything,” Jeremy said with the most furious expression. Yasmin had seen first-hand how dangerous the Lunar Sanctum were, and what they put Jeremy through. Their presence was like the greyest cloud looming over them.
“It will be okay,” Yasmin reassured, “They’ll have to get through me first.”
“I know, but I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m married, with a job, a house, and so many friends, so why are they back now, when I actually have things to lose? It’s like my dad’s won, and he’s been dead for years,” Jeremy vented. Yasmin’s heart broke. She knew all about problematic fathers, and every minute she was alive, she was determined to prove she was not her father’s daughter.
“Your dad lost. He lost the minute he took your freedom away. When he did that, he gave up the right to call you his son. The only family you need are the ones who showed up for you,” Yasmin reminded. It was a lesson she’d learned the hard way. Family had let her down more than once.
WHAM! The doors slammed open. Yasmin jumped out of her skin as a series of masked figures filtered into the room wearing all-black with gas masks. Before she could attempt to fight, gas flooded the room and Yasmin felt herself growing tired. Fighting it was pointless. Her eyes closed. She was helpless.
Nothing could distract Dylan’s gaze from Harry. He was watching him, protecting him, but deep down, he knew that was pointless. He’d already failed to protect Harry from whatever the creature was, and there was no way he could possibly make it up to him. It was Dylan’s fault, and the guilt was unbearable.
After all, if Dylan hadn’t been so distracted by Jono for twenty-four hours, he wouldn’t have pushed Harry away. He acted as if their years together didn’t mean anything, when in reality, they truly meant everything. He hated that he couldn’t make that clear to Harry one final time. When he said “I love you,” he meant it. Every single time.
“Do you think we should call his parents?” Lily enquired.
“Um, yeah, probably,” Dylan considered. He hadn’t even thought of the practicalities. All he cared about was Harry.
“I’ll get in touch,” Caroline smiled, gently rubbing Dylan’s thigh before dipping out of the room. As she left, Dylan caught eyes with Jono, slumped quietly in the corner. He looked as guilty as Dylan felt. He knew what he was thinking.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Dylan mentioned. As guilty as he felt, he still wasn’t going to allow himself to forget how good it was to have Jono back.
“I shouldn’t be here. I barely know Harry,” Jono stood up.
“You should,” Lily insisted, “You’re here to support Dylan. He needs you.”
“It’s been less than a day since dad died,” Jono voice croaked as he attempted to hold back tears, “And here we are again.”
“That’s why we need to stick together. The three of us are family, and Harry’s part of that family too,” Lily reminded.
“I need you,” Dylan said, barely holding it together. Without another word being said, Jono stood behind Dylan, wrapping his arms around him like the perfect comfort blanket.
“The bite,” Jono said, out of nowhere.
“What?” Dylan was baffled.
“That’s how you saved me, remember? Dami shot me, I was in a coma on my death bed, and you bit me. Becoming a werewolf saved my life,” Jono advised, “You can save Harry, too.”
“Would that work? The doctor said…” Lily was concerned.
“His body would heal, he’s not dead yet,” Dylan realised. It wasn’t over yet. He could still save Harry.
“I’m just saying that the bite doesn’t always convert you,” Lily cautioned, “It can take your life instead.”
“He’s going that way already. There’s nothing to lose,” Dylan figured. Harry was all out of hope. They had to try. This was Dylan’s apology. He owed it to Harry to protect him to the very end.
Dylan let the wolf take over, baring his fangs. He didn’t need any more convincing. In a flash, he sunk his teeth into Harry’s wrist. It went against his human nature, but it wasn’t the human Dylan in charge in that moment. He pushed them down as far as they could go, Harry’s blood soaking his dangerously sharp teeth with the most ferocity.
Now the waiting game was on. Harry’s life was in the balance, and Dylan was desperate.
Two things in particular were on Dylan’s mind. Looking at his phone in the repair shop to notice a sea of missed calls from several different people caused a lot of panic, and the news was still somehow worse than Dylan had feared. Harry was in a critical condition, and he’d spent a night by the bedside of his comatose boyfriend, desperately waiting for an update.
Throughout, Dylan had been glutted to his phone. He was waiting anxiously for a text from Jono or an update from Lily, but still, there had been nothing. He’d collapsed immediately after drinking the serum, so whether it had worked or not was anyone’s guess. There was one indicator, though – the storm outside had cleared, and nobody was dead. They’d stopped the curse, but at what cost?
“Maybe we should find a doctor,” Caroline pondered. She’d not long arrived at the hospital, and Dylan was relieved to have some company. He desperately needed his mum.
“They’ll tell us if they know anything,” Dylan assumed. As much as he loved having Caroline with him, he wasn’t in the mood for chat. There was far too much on his mind. A comfortable silence was all that was needed.
“I know how you feel,” Caroline continued trying to make conversation.
“Do you?” Dylan bluntly replied, immediately regretting his tone. He wasn’t meaning to be rude.
“Yes, in a different way. I’ve never stopped loving your dad, and when Ed came along, I felt feelings for him too. I know how it feels to be torn between two people. The difference is that my decision was made for me the second we lost your father,” Caroline recalled, “Because although I still loved him, I knew he was gone. Doesn’t make it easy to accept, though.”
“So how do I choose?” Dylan worried. He felt so guilty to be thinking about himself when Harry was fighting for his life, but it was all-consuming.
“I can’t make that decision for you,” Caroline advised, speaking words of wisdom so naturally, “But whatever you choose, you’ll be hurting someone, so don’t choose to hurt yourself, too. Go with your heart.”
Breaking the moment, Dylan’s phone buzzed. A text from Lily. Dylan couldn’t have opened the message any faster.
“He’s awake, will update you x”
Dylan’s panic only increased. He needed to know Jono was okay. He glanced at Harry lying so helplessly, still unconscious on the hospital bed. His heart ached. He was in the most impossible situation.
Gulping down a glass of water, Jono couldn’t shake how weird he felt. It was like he’d just woken up from the worst night’s sleep ever, and he just couldn’t shake the most uncomfortable headache. He just didn’t feel right.
Even the calming nature of the lakehouse couldn’t help lift Jono’s mood. He hadn’t seen the beautiful, gentle view of the lake from so close in seven years, but the beauty of some parts of Crystalshaw had never left his mind.
Jono froze. He was still in Crystalshaw. He remembered the night before. The hospital. The lockdown. His father. The repair shop. The serum.
The weather had cleared up, and Lily wasn’t remotely panicked by his continued presence. It had worked. It must have, Jono assumed, or he’d have been wheeled onto the first flight back to London, conscious or not.
The pounding in Jono’s head continued. He hadn’t felt that rough in so long. In fact, Jono hadn’t felt anywhere near that bad since before he was a werewolf. His body wasn’t healing like it used to. It had worked. He was human again.
“Feeling any better?” Lily walked back into the guest bedroom holding a cup of tea.
“No,” Jono chuckled, “It worked, then.”
“Here, take a couple of these,” Lily handed him a pack of paracetamol, “I know it’s been a while since either of us needed these. I stole them from George’s stash.”
“Where’s Dylan?” Jono wondered as he broke through the protective foil covering the tablets with his nails.
“Hospital. Harry got hurt last night. He’s in a bad way,” Lily explained. Jono immediately felt guilty. Dylan obviously had far more important things on his mind, “I told him you were awake.”
“I want to visit,” Jono considered. The fact that he barely knew Harry was irrelevant. Whatever the future held for Jono and Dylan, he knew Harry would be there in some capacity as a part of the pack. Jono had to make the effort, “I know now’s not the time, but I think Dylan and I have a lot to talk about.”
“If I know Dylan, he’ll be going out of his mind with worry right now, and Harry won’t be the only reason why. Besides, I know what dad would say. He was never one to beat around the bush,” Lily reasoned, “Come on, I’ll take you now. Get dressed, we’ll go in ten.” Jono nodded. His life had changed overnight, and suddenly, thinking about the future felt ten times easier.
Finding the energy to focus was proving to be a challenging mission for Jeremy. He thought going to work would be a welcome distraction from everything that happened the day before, especially knowing he had Yasmin around for company, but it wasn’t working. Being in a laboratory probably wasn’t a good idea when he was in such a state.
There was work to be done, though. The attack at the hospital was being treated as a crime by Ed and the doctor was an official suspect, supernatural or not. Jeremy’s only worry was when the creature eventually stops possessing him – an innocent man’s future was in jeopardy because of things he had no control over. He hated to think how Ed was going to explain that.
“Is it just me who’s finding this entirely pointless?” Yasmin sighed, “I mean, even if Ed wants to arrest the doctor, what’s to stop the creature just possessing Ed, or one of us?”
“It would help if we knew what it was,” Jeremy pondered, “Where’s the Bestiary these days?”
“Hold on,” Yasmin typed frantically at her laptop, “I got it scanned in a few years ago, saves us going all the way to that bunker every time we need to look something up. Anything coming up with the forensics? Could help us narrow this thing down.”
“Nothing yet,” Jeremy raised an eyebrow. The data was taking a surprisingly long time to show.
Yasmin’s phone buzzed. Immediately, upon looking at it, she beamed as if she’d received the best news ever. Nobody looked at their notifications like that unless something was going on. Unless they had someone to make them smile like that.
“What?” Yasmin blurted as she noticed Jeremy watching her, “It’s just my mom.”
“Yeah, right,” Jeremy laughed. That was the worst excuse Yasmin could have given, “Who’s the lucky guy? Anyone I know?”
“No,” Yasmin lied again, “And stop listening to my heartbeat.”
“I would never,” Jeremy chuckled. He was far more comfortable with Yasmin than with most people.
“It’s nothing. Not at the moment, anyway,” Yasmin admitted, “So I don’t want to give anything away yet.”
“Do you want something more to happen?” Jeremy probed, desperate to know more.
“I feel like I should be saying no, but that would be a lie,” Yasmin shrugged, “I’m falling for someone that goes against my nature, I guess.”
“If you’re falling for them, they can’t be that bad, can they?” Jeremy considered, “You must have seen some good in him.”
“Yeah,” Yasmin sighed, “I don’t know. Can we discuss something else?”
“Sure,” Jeremy replied, focusing back on the forensics, “Maybe we can discuss how there is still no DNA showing up from the hospital?”
“That’s impossible, there’s always DNA,” Yasmin replied.
“I know. This was the door handle to Uncle Steve’s room, it would match doctors, nurses, even Lily and Helen,” Jeremy noted, “But nothing. Not one shred of DNA on that handle.”
“Wait, you remember that sample you had from town with no DNA?” Yasmin recalled, “This must be the same thing. Not only does it not have DNA, but it absorbs or eliminates it.”
“We need to check the bar forensics,” Jeremy decided, “If we can find a link, we can help catch this thing.” Suddenly, Jeremy was fired up. He had to get to the bottom of this mystery, for the whole pack’s sake.
“Settle down, please,” Sammi enforced as she jogged hurriedly into the classroom. The light chat quickly simmered down around the chemistry lab – a far cry from Sammi’s usual environment. Cover lessons were an unavoidable part of teaching, but it didn’t make Sammi feel any more enthusiastic about them.
In the comfort of her own classroom, Sammi never had to worry. She could teach English with her eyes closed. Chemistry was nowhere near her comfort zone, and having to teach it made her a little anxious with absolutely no subject knowledge.
“Mr. Abukar is at home sick today, but he’s left some tasks for you to complete,” Sammi nevertheless applied a poker face of confidence as she handed out the booklets of work, “You can work in pairs, but spare me the hassle of a headache by keeping the volume low, please.”
Sammi handed the final booklet out to Jonah. As if the lesson wasn’t awkward enough already, her brother-in-law was in the class. The atmosphere was uncomfortable – he obviously hated having his parent figure in his lesson as much as she did, regardless of how close they were at home.
“Leah’s not here,” Jonah subtly mentioned as Sammi passed.
“Is she in school today?” Sammi questioned.
“Yeah, we were sat together in math just now. She never made it here,” Jonah clarified.
“I’ll send an email,” Sammi noticed. There was almost definitely a good reason for Leah’s absence, but Jonah was very protective over her. They were surely more than friends, Sammi assumed.
As Sammi headed back to the teacher desk, she spotted Keisha through the door with a big grin on her face. Rubbing it in on her free period, no doubt. Sammi invited her inside with a quick flick of her hand. She could afford a quick chat while the class were working.
“You drew the short straw, then,” Keisha teased.
“Don’t go there,” Sammi smiled, unable to resist laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation, “How did you swerve this?”
“It’s my guidance counsellor admin period,” Keisha explained, “Just wanted to check you were okay. You know, after yesterday.”
“I guess,” Sammi shrugged, “Everyone’s more focused on Jono right now. I suppose it’s a welcome distraction.”
“Is he okay?” Keisha continued.
“Fine, he’s awake,” Sammi recalled the last text Lily sent her, “Oh, by the way, Cody’s been sniffing around us recently. More than before. Has he come to see you yet?”
“Not since he got back,” Keisha answered nonchalantly, “He sent me a text to say he was back in town but I ignored it. I’m not going out of my way. What he did to Oscar was unforgiveable.”
“I mean, Oscar seems pretty over it,” Sammi didn’t know quite how to describe the situation between Oscar and Cody to her, “Unrelated, but did you see Leah on your way? She’s not arrived.”
“Jonah’s Leah? Yeah, I saw her just now, told her to hurry up and get to class. I thought she’d be here by now,” Keisha relayed.
“Hmm,” Sammi considered. That didn’t sound much like Leah.
“Ms. Reuben,” a student on the front row called out, pointing to the door. There stood Leah, thankfully, but she didn’t look herself. She was vacant. Her gaze was focused straight ahead, but not making eye contact with anyone.
“Hey Leah, take a seat,” Sammi attempted to act normal, but her gut was telling her things weren’t okay. Leah proved her point, too – she didn’t follow the instruction, instead directing her aimless gaze to a pointed glare in Sammi’s direction. Her stomach dropped in pure fear, for both herself and her students.
Leah was possessed, and the whole class was in danger.
Little riled Dylan more than a broken vending machine. All he wanted was a bottle of Coke – the caffeine was more than necessary after being awake for so many hours – yet he’d wasted five dollars already and the machine still wouldn’t slide a bottle out for him. The animal instinct inside him was urging him to punch the glass and grab it himself, but Dylan knew that would cause more problems than it would solve.
Dylan knew the situation was getting to him. He’d been trying to stay strong for both Jono and Harry, but for the first time, Dylan felt his own self-care was slipping. He wasn’t himself any more. He’d been so busy holding other people up that under the surface, Dylan was tired. It was too much.
“Dyl,” a voice called out along the hospital corridor. Only one person in the world called him that, and it was an immediate relief to hear the excited tone of Jono. He was okay. He was safe. Above everything else, that was what mattered.
“Oh my god,” Dylan ran to meet Jono halfway, immediately and instinctively embracing him in a hug that meant more than any hug they’d ever had before. It was the hug that confirmed that Jono was home; this time, for good. Everything they’d risked the night before had been worthwhile. The feel of Jono’s curls tickled Dylan’s face, a sensation he’d perhaps strangely missed, but Dylan savoured every single detail.
“It worked,” Jono revealed, “I’m human. We did it.”
“I’m so relieved,” Dylan shared the huge grin Jono’s face was displaying, “I’ve been so worried.”
“Not just about me, right?” Jono’s grin faded to a more serious, sombre expression.
“How is he?” Lily questioned, catching the couple up.
“I don’t know,” Dylan sighed, “He’s still unconscious. We’re waiting for an update.”
“I’m sorry,” Jono sympathised, “This can’t be easy. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, and whatever you decide to do, I’ll respect it. Take your time, because we finally have all the time in the world.” Dylan nodded. Jono’s understanding meant a lot.
“Mr. Chadwick-Drummond,” a doctor gently called from a few metres away. Dylan’s stomach dropped. This was the update he’d been waiting on. Immediately, Jono and Lily stood either side of him. They were his comfort blanket, and Dylan needed it more than ever.
“That’s me,” Dylan confirmed, “How is he?” He couldn’t help noticing a regretful, perhaps even sad expression on the doctor’s face. It looked like she had bad news to give, and Dylan felt sick.
“Mr. Callahan has suffered some severe injuries to his head which has caused internal bleeding. Our efforts to stop the bleeding haven’t succeeded,” the doctor informed.
“What does that mean?” Jono questioned. He knew Dylan needed the utmost clarity.
“I’m sorry, there is a chance Mr. Callahan may never wake up,” the doctor explained. Dylan felt numb. He didn’t know what to say or do, but there was one thing on his mind; it was all his fault.
Oscar wished he got the chance to watch Brett at basketball practice more often. Work often got in the way, but with a couple of his allocated holidays to still use up, Oscar figured he’d finally rectify that and show his partner some support.
The timing couldn’t have been better, either. So much was happening in Crystalshaw for the first time in a while, and Oscar was already missing the quiet life. He’d been through so much since arriving in Crystalshaw, and the idea of settling down sounded extremely tempting.
After all, Oscar felt way more relaxed than he had in a long time, watching Brett on the basketball court. They were so at home among the team, and the support Brett had from their teammates warmed Oscar’s heart. Playing for the local team led to some media coverage, and the cesspit of social media had seen more than a few derogatory remarks towards Brett and their gender and pronouns. It made Oscar angry, but Brett continued to silence them with their game skills, and it made Oscar the proudest boyfriend on the planet.
The bell sounded. Practice was over. Oscar immediately jogged down from the bleachers to meet Brett in the changing rooms. On the way, his phone buzzed incessantly. Yasmin, he assumed, but for that day, Oscar didn’t care. He’d spent the previous day under the possession of some supernatural entity that they hadn’t even identified, so he’d more than completed his shift within the pack for the time being. He valued his friends, but he also valued his relationship, and supporting Brett took priority for a change.
Inside the changing rooms, Oscar couldn’t find Brett. Their neon blue and pink clothing was hanging up, visible from a mile away among the tedium of the other teammates’ clothing, but no sign of Brett themselves. Everyone Oscar passed had a body to die for, a six-pack proudly displayed as they sprayed deodorant and dried themselves from the showers. Worlds away from Oscar himself, who had never taken much to sport.
“Hey, where’s Brett?” Oscar asked Leyton, one of the only players who didn’t totally tower over him.
“Coach Arnott wanted to speak to them,” Leyton replied, “They’re through there.”
“Thanks,” Oscar nodded. He carried on walking, past the showers and into the court itself. Brett was stood at the side as Coach Arnott looked to be lecturing them, Brett politely nodding every few seconds in response. Oscar could have listened in if he wanted to, but privacy and trust was more important than wolf powers.
After a few agonising minutes of waiting, Brett jogged over towards the changing rooms, looking surprised to see Oscar waiting for them – in a good way, Oscar hoped.
“Hey, you were awesome out there,” Oscar greeted, their lips meeting for a kiss.
“Thanks. Hey, can we have a chat? There’s something I need to talk to you about, and I don’t think I can hold it in any longer,” Brett asked. They looked surprisingly preoccupied – worlds away from Brett’s usual free-spiritedness.
“Sure,” Oscar felt worried at the ominous nature of Brett’s request. They led him to the nearest bench on the perimeter of the court, not letting go of his hand for a single second. Oscar couldn’t wait any longer. As soon as they sat down, he just had to ask, “What’s up?”
“Um, so Coach was just telling me that one of the coaches for the Los Angeles Lakers watched the game last week,” Brett began, “He singled me out as the player with the most potential.”
“Woah,” Oscar was taken aback. Not only were they one of the most famous basketball teams in the world, but they were also Brett’s favourite team. He knew how much that praise meant to them, “Congratulations, that’s incredible.”
“That’s not all,” Brett continued, “They want me to join the team. Play for the LA Lakers. An actual NBA team. I’d have to move closer, I can’t commute that far every day.”
“This is huge,” Oscar was astonished. His heart was bursting with pride, “You have to take it.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take you away from everyone you know, it’s not fair,” Brett checked.
“I’m totally sure. This is your dream, and I’m with you every step of the way,” Oscar said, just as an intrusive thought crossed his mind. It wasn’t that easy – he had to speak to someone first, “Um…”
“Cody,” Brett realised, “What are you going to do?” Oscar sighed. He didn’t know the answer, but he knew he needed to have an honest conversation – with both Cody and himself.
Scenarios flooding her mind, Sammi wad desperately trying to think of a solution. Her top priority was keeping her class safe – nothing was more important than that – but she had no plan. Keisha was a werewolf, and sure, she could fight, but Leah was still inside, and she needed just as much protection as any other member of the class.
“Woah,” Jonah remarked, joining Sammi at the front of the room.
“Take a seat, Jonah,” Sammi nudged. She couldn’t risk him being in danger too.
“What’s up with her eyes?” Jonah ignored her, clearly fixated on what had happened to Leah. His protectiveness was admirable, if dangerous in that moment.
“Back door,” Keisha spotted. Of course: the emergency exit, an essential for a chemistry lab.
“It’s alarmed,” Sammi mentioned with a sigh. The last thing they needed was to cause a scene.
“The code should be nearby, it’s regulation,” Keisha mentioned, pointing to the box file on the back shelf. Sammi nodded and power-walked to the back. Leah didn’t move, remaining fixated on Keisha, which was a good thing – it allowed them time to get the class out. Quickly, Sammi flicked through the pile of sheets shoved inside, before noticing a four-digit code written on the inside of the file itself. Nervously, Sammi typed it into the alarm keypad, wishing with each press that it would work.
The alarm beeped and the door clicked open. Without mentioning a word, Sammi ushered the class outside. They were remarkably calm, though Sammi supposed they didn’t know the full story of what was happening – it was for the best.
“Go, both of you,” Keisha commanded, “I can hold her off.”
“I’m not going,” Jonah insisted.
“Come on, it’s not safe,” Sammi demanded.
WHAM! Leah was flung backwards, as if she’d been grabbed by her collar and thrown off guard. The most relieving sight stood in her place – Freddie, with Charlie cowering nervously behind.
“Sorry Crystalshaw, your laptop repairs will have to wait,” Freddie smirked.
“Woah,” Jonah’s wide-eyed gaze said it all. It was obvious that they would be having a difficult conversation that night. The secret was out.
“She’s coming round,” Charlie panicked.
“This way,” Sammi directed, thinking on her feet. She led the group out of the emergency exit and towards the school gate. They had to get Leah off school grounds.
Just as Yasmin had feared, the forensics spoke volumes. The data with no DNA had intrigued her ever since she first saw it. After all, it wasn’t scientifically possible, so how could it exist? It was obvious there had to be some sort of supernatural answer, and it proved that there was still so much about the supernatural world that she didn’t understand.
Things only got more confusing, too. This entity, which seemed to lack of a body of its own, didn’t just have no DNA itself – it could absorb or eliminate other people’s, too. Yasmin was fascinated, but that took second place to fear in her mind. Whatever it was, it was dangerous. Something had broken out of the repair shop basement, and suddenly, the pack had become the target of a series of attacks. There was more going on, and they were all in danger.
“You were right,” Jeremy commented, examining the forensic information he’d loaded on his laptop, “There wasn’t much left of the bar explosion, but the back-door handle didn’t have a single bit of DNA on it.”
“Okay, that’s good, we can connect everything, but there are still some questions. The bar and hospital attacks were directed at us, so how does the attack in town relate to the pack? Why are we the target in the first place?” Yasmin considered. Some pieces of the puzzle were still missing.
“What the stupid Lunar Sanctum has to do with anything,” Jeremy said with the most furious expression. Yasmin had seen first-hand how dangerous the Lunar Sanctum were, and what they put Jeremy through. Their presence was like the greyest cloud looming over them.
“It will be okay,” Yasmin reassured, “They’ll have to get through me first.”
“I know, but I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m married, with a job, a house, and so many friends, so why are they back now, when I actually have things to lose? It’s like my dad’s won, and he’s been dead for years,” Jeremy vented. Yasmin’s heart broke. She knew all about problematic fathers, and every minute she was alive, she was determined to prove she was not her father’s daughter.
“Your dad lost. He lost the minute he took your freedom away. When he did that, he gave up the right to call you his son. The only family you need are the ones who showed up for you,” Yasmin reminded. It was a lesson she’d learned the hard way. Family had let her down more than once.
WHAM! The doors slammed open. Yasmin jumped out of her skin as a series of masked figures filtered into the room wearing all-black with gas masks. Before she could attempt to fight, gas flooded the room and Yasmin felt herself growing tired. Fighting it was pointless. Her eyes closed. She was helpless.
Nothing could distract Dylan’s gaze from Harry. He was watching him, protecting him, but deep down, he knew that was pointless. He’d already failed to protect Harry from whatever the creature was, and there was no way he could possibly make it up to him. It was Dylan’s fault, and the guilt was unbearable.
After all, if Dylan hadn’t been so distracted by Jono for twenty-four hours, he wouldn’t have pushed Harry away. He acted as if their years together didn’t mean anything, when in reality, they truly meant everything. He hated that he couldn’t make that clear to Harry one final time. When he said “I love you,” he meant it. Every single time.
“Do you think we should call his parents?” Lily enquired.
“Um, yeah, probably,” Dylan considered. He hadn’t even thought of the practicalities. All he cared about was Harry.
“I’ll get in touch,” Caroline smiled, gently rubbing Dylan’s thigh before dipping out of the room. As she left, Dylan caught eyes with Jono, slumped quietly in the corner. He looked as guilty as Dylan felt. He knew what he was thinking.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Dylan mentioned. As guilty as he felt, he still wasn’t going to allow himself to forget how good it was to have Jono back.
“I shouldn’t be here. I barely know Harry,” Jono stood up.
“You should,” Lily insisted, “You’re here to support Dylan. He needs you.”
“It’s been less than a day since dad died,” Jono voice croaked as he attempted to hold back tears, “And here we are again.”
“That’s why we need to stick together. The three of us are family, and Harry’s part of that family too,” Lily reminded.
“I need you,” Dylan said, barely holding it together. Without another word being said, Jono stood behind Dylan, wrapping his arms around him like the perfect comfort blanket.
“The bite,” Jono said, out of nowhere.
“What?” Dylan was baffled.
“That’s how you saved me, remember? Dami shot me, I was in a coma on my death bed, and you bit me. Becoming a werewolf saved my life,” Jono advised, “You can save Harry, too.”
“Would that work? The doctor said…” Lily was concerned.
“His body would heal, he’s not dead yet,” Dylan realised. It wasn’t over yet. He could still save Harry.
“I’m just saying that the bite doesn’t always convert you,” Lily cautioned, “It can take your life instead.”
“He’s going that way already. There’s nothing to lose,” Dylan figured. Harry was all out of hope. They had to try. This was Dylan’s apology. He owed it to Harry to protect him to the very end.
Dylan let the wolf take over, baring his fangs. He didn’t need any more convincing. In a flash, he sunk his teeth into Harry’s wrist. It went against his human nature, but it wasn’t the human Dylan in charge in that moment. He pushed them down as far as they could go, Harry’s blood soaking his dangerously sharp teeth with the most ferocity.
Now the waiting game was on. Harry’s life was in the balance, and Dylan was desperate.