Previous: "Back from the Grave"
Next: "Hitting Home"
Series 5 Episode 6
Guest Starring: Lloyd Daniels
“Yeah, that’d be great, thanks mate!”, Connor Temple put Abby’s home phone down.
“Sorted?”, Abby Maitland asked him.
“Absolutely”, Connor smiled.
“Shall we let the others know?”, Mia Turner posed another question.
“Of course”, Connor replied. The girls got out their phones and started texting the team. Rex flew down and perched himself beside Abby, and Sid and Nancy came to Connor’s feet. He bent down and petted them.
Ten minutes later, the whole team had gathered outside a semi-detached house not far from the now shut down ARC. The Home Secretary had closed the ARC Operations, and the team now had no jobs. Lester had joined them aswell. Connor walked up the front garden path and to the door. He stood on the step, rang the doorbell and stepped back down. A familiar face opened the door.
”Hey, nice to see you again!”, Connor said. He’d gone to ex-team member Lloyd Daniels. Lloyd invited them all in, saying hello to everyone again.
“Right, fill me in on what’s happened”, Lloyd asked them.
“Basically, the imbeciles known as the press found out about the anomalies, we had to go to several dull meetings when I had better things to do, and we got shut down by the Home Secretary”, James Lester explained.
”OK, and you’re all meant to be sacked?”, Lloyd dug deeper.
“Meant is the key word in that sentence”, Mia told him.
“But we can’t just let untrained people deal with these creatures”, Cutter added.
“We’d all be doomed if some civil servants went to deal with the anomalies”, Danny joked.
“Danny, don’t forget, there is a civil servant sitting right here”, Claudia raised her eyebrows.
“Where?”, Danny jested. Claudia rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Anyway, I’ve got the ARC software on my laptop. I can load all the systems you need, Jess, for the Detector”, Connor informed her.
“OK, sounds cool. I’m guessing I’ll be staying here?”, Jess asked.
“I suppose you could come if you want to”, Cutter told her.
“Really?! Thanks!”, Jess grinned.
”I’ll see what I can do with this Detector thing”, Lester commented.
“Lloyd, wanna join us, for old times’ sake?”, Danny offered.
“Go on, just this once. But don’t be making a habit out of it!”, Lloyd accepted.
“Now, all we’ve got to do is wait”, said Sarah.
The team just surfed the internet and watched television while waiting for an anomaly. Lloyd, Connor, Danny, Abby and Mia went outside and played football in the back garden. Connor was ridiculously bad as a goalkeeper, and Abby and Mia wished they weren’t on his team! Danny and Lloyd won 5-0. Meanwhile, Claudia and Jenny were looking on Facebook. They were looking through Cutter’s old photos.
“Wow, he looked so different!”, Claudia laughed.
“What’s this?”, Cutter walked over. Jenny shut the laptop.
“Err, nothing!”, Jenny lied.
“Hrm, OK”, Cutter knew she was lying, but he went along with it.
“Don’t you feel that we’re doing the wrong thing, by doing this being the Home Secretary’s back?”, Jenny asked her new boyfriend.
“In a way, but we could save many many lives by intervening. There are pros and cons for this, I suppose”. Jenny nodded, and Cutter went to see what Sarah and Harry were watching.
During this, Jess was busy teaching Lester how to work the ARC systems. Lester was incredibly bad with computers, but he was learning quickly.
A slightly quieter sound came out of Connor’s laptop, but still familiar nonetheless.
“Where is it?”, Danny asked, running in from the garden.
“Lester?”, Jess nudged him.
“Oh, yes, it’s, erm, bear with me, erm, Jess?”, Lester had forgotten it all.
“You press Enter”, Jess told him.
“Ah yes, just testing”, Lester lied. Jess rolled her eyes.
“It’s in the middle of…this street?”, Lester sounded confused.
“It’s true”, Sarah muttered to herself. She wandered over to Danny, “Danny, can I stay here? I’ve got something I want to go over. It’s to do with my theory about the anomaly and genes in your body”.
“I’ve got a feeling you may be helping Lester more than working on that, but go on then”, Danny smiled, “Catch you later”.
The team, including Lloyd and Jess, stepped outside the house. Captain Mitchell was not with them, and he had to return to the Home Office. However, Cutter carried out the Anomaly Locker.
“Woah, woah, why do we need that? I’ve got the…the…”, Connor was checking his pockets, “Where’s the Anomaly Opener? You know, the new one, that we found?”
“I don’t know, you must’ve left it at the ARC”, Harry told him.
“Damn! I needed that”, Connor cursed.
“Connor, it’s just a piece of technology. We’ll get the ARC back soon!”, Abby reassured him.
“But we don’t know that, do we?”, Connor moaned.
“Look, why don’t we go back and sneak in, have a little search?”, Danny suggested.
“What if you get caught? You could be sent to jail for breaking and entering!”, Claudia argued.
“But who’s really going to be there?”, Danny argued back, “Come on. Connor, Lloyd, you two come with me”. Those two followed Danny around the corner.
Sarah sat at Lloyd’s dining table. She had all her papers from the ARC in front of her. She ran over all her theories on the matter so far. This anomaly was perfect evidence. The anomalies always happen closer to people that got through them. There are still the odd anomalies that open in weird areas, for example the first anomaly in the Forest of Dean, and the first Lincoln anomaly. It does explain, however, why most anomalies do open up near them. She added this to her notes.
“Sarah!”, Lester called.
“What now?”, she sighed.
“How do you speak into this earpiece?”, Lester asked.
Sarah walked over to him. “You click this, and type the password”.
“What password?”, Lester was confused.
“Didn’t Jess tell you?”
“I thought she was joking”
“What, because the password is JamesLester, with no space?”
“Dear God, it’s true!”, Lester was raging.
Connor, Danny and Lloyd were walking to the ARC, when Lloyd spotted something.
”Quick, in there!”, he pushed the other two into an alley. He’d seen a van with the ARC logo on it. It was the soldiers. They’d detected something from the Home Office, where the Detector was now placed.
“We’ve got to warn them”, Connor decided. Danny spoke to Cutter through his earpiece and informed them.
“Quick, let’s get this over and done with!”, said Danny.
“The soldiers are on their way. We need to get out of here!”, Cutter ordered. They started running for the house.
“What about the cars?”, Lester spoke through the earpiece, “They know to make sure you don’t come anywhere near the anomaly”.
Abby decided to get into her car, and she drove it past the anomaly and turned left, so it was out of sight. Harry and Cutter did the same. They both met in one place, and informed the others. They now had to sneak out without the soldiers, who had just arrived, seeing them.
“Right, here we are!”, Connor announced.
“Wait, this isn’t the ARC!”, Lloyd was confused.
“Oh, we’ve moved since you left”, Danny announced.
“Looks flash”, Lloyd complimented the building. It looked more like your usual office block than a secret government organisation, which was a good thing in reality.
“No soldiers on guard. Perfect”, Danny smiled. He strolled up to the gates, waving at the CCTV cameras.
At the Home Office, the Home Secretary was watching the CCTV cameras from the ARC. She saw Danny waving, and was not happy.
“Get them out of there now!”, she commanded. A soldier on her right replied, saying “Yes ma’am”.
“Keep calm, they can’t cause too much trouble now. They’ve already fallen into the trap”, a voice from behind her came. The Home Secretary looked around, and no-one was there.
The soldiers were setting up another locking mechanism. One pressed a few buttons and the anomaly was locked. They turned around to guard it for a little while, and they didn’t notice it spring open again. Abby was watching from round the corner, and had the old style Anomaly Opener in her hand. She was going to play with it to distract the soldiers, but nothing yet.
“Hope something comes out”, Harry commented. And as if on queue, a bird like creature flew out. It flew down and attacked a soldier. Others primed their guns and started shooting. It flew off into the air and on top of Lloyd’s house.
Meanwhile, inside Lloyd’s house, the others were packing everything up, ready to make their exit.
“Is it safe yet?”, Mia asked through her earpiece.
“No. I think it might be best to go through the back. There’s an alley leading from the garden to where we are”, Abby remembered from playing football outside.
“What are we waiting for?”, Jess smiled. She led the way outside. Claudia was the last out, and she locked Lloyd’s house.
They were running down the alley, making as little noise as possible, to Cutter, Abby and Harry.
“Not the nicest weather. Oh well, that’s not stopped us before”, Lester mentioned.
“It’s been like this since the Safari Park. Like the sky has turned against us”, Cutter thought. The weather was almost certainly unusual, especially for the summertime. It was cloudy and cold, with a bit of a breeze.
“Something doesn’t feel right”, Jenny added.
Lester snorted, “Oh do be serious. It’s just the weather, how is that of any significance?”
“It’s a Nyctosaurus, Seems to be causing them a lot of trouble”, Cutter said after a moment’s silence, pointing to Lloyd’s chimney.
“What can we do?”, Jenny asked.
”Nothing, we can’t do anything”, Cutter replied, “We have no weapons”.
“So we’ll just stand back while it devours soldiers, or sits on Lloyd’s chimney?”, Sarah asked.
“You could put it that way”, Cutter smiled.
“Look Cutter, I thought the idea was that less people got killed”, Lester moaned.
“And they will. I’ve got a plan”, Cutter revealed.
Danny had gained access to the ARC, and Connor was leading the way to his lab. It was weird to see the ARC completely cleared of everything.
Lloyd heard a noise come from the door, “They know we’re here”.
“Hurry up Connor!”, Danny rushed him.
”OK, it’s just round here”, Connor led the way. He pressed the buttons to gain access to his lab. He opened the door, and saw the Anomaly Opener lying on the desk. But as soon as he picked it up, they were joined by two angry looking soldiers. Danny squared up to one, and Lloyd took another. Connor was trying to think of a way out. Danny threw a punch, and Lloyd started fighting his soldier. After many bruises were gained, the two soldiers were unconscious on the floor.
“Right, let’s go!”, Danny hurried them. They ran outside, and were trapped with more soldiers blocking their entrances. Connor pressed some buttons on the Anomaly Opener.
”No offence Connor, but that’s not gonna do us any good right now”, Danny was looking one soldier straight in the eye.
”You think?”, Connor pressed one more button and an anomaly opened. The trio stepped through it and Connor closed it on the other side. They were in Lloyd’s house. They wondered where the team were, and peaked out the window.
“Back door!”, Lloyd suggested. They followed the route that the others took, and met them at the end of the alley.
”What are you three doing here?”, Jess asked.
”Doesn’t matter. All that matters is how we’re going to get rid of them soldiers”, Danny told them.
“And our friend up there”, Cutter mentioned.
“A Nyctosaurus…”
“Yes, we know!”, Mia cut off Connor, and took his hand.
The trio had Cutter’s plan explained to them, and it then got put into action. Abby got inside her car, and drove out behind the anomaly. Soldiers noticed, and followed her, running. Abby drove back past the anomaly and out of sight. The soldiers had followed her. One soldier lay dead on the floor, and Jess volunteered to go and pick up the gun.
She was noticed by the Nyctosaurus, and it swooped down to her. She got knocked over, but she wasn’t hurt. She lay on the floor, reaching for the gun. It was just out of reach. The Nyctosaurus was on its way back, and it was hungry. She grabbed the gun, and she shot it, just in time. It landed with a thud on the ground. Lloyd ran over and helped Jess out.
“Thanks”, Jess smiled.
”No problem”, Lloyd replied. He gestured to the others, signalling that it was safe to come over. They all shifted the prehistoric beast back through the anomaly, and Connor got to use his device.
Mia let Abby know that she could come back. The soldiers had given up and gone back, Abby told Mia, so they decided to make themselves scarce. They went back to Lloyd’s house, and had a cup of tea. The soldiers were guarding the now locked anomaly, not that they even noticed a difference. Before long, a posh black car pulled up outside. Out got the Home Secretary. Lester and Claudia recognised her, and told the others that this was bad news. They ran out the back way. Lloyd said he’d stay there. He promised he’d be alright.
“I’ll be fine!”, he insisted.
“I’ll stay with you”, Jess decided.
”No, you must go with the others. As I said, it’ll all be fine!”, Lloyd grabbed her hand. She let go of his hand and ran off.
Lloyd answered the door.
“Lloyd Daniels?”, a woman asked.
“Yes”, Lloyd replied.
“I’m arresting you on suspicion of breaking and entering”, she told him.
“What?! You can’t!”, he was totally shocked, but he knew how she found out. She had sent the soldiers to the ARC and they informed her. After all, Lloyd wasn’t an ‘unknown’, was he? A police officer escorted him to a car. Lloyd struggled a little, but he realised there was no way out. Jess and the others watched from the corner of the road. Jess was crying. She’d developed a very good relationship with Lloyd and this broke her heart. She started to run, and Lester ran after her to pull her back.
“You can’t give our game away”, he told her.
”But…but…”, Jess stuttered.
Lester put his arm around her.
“Why are you doing that?”, she asked him.
”I don’t know. I’m not even this kind to my wife”, he was totally serious about his comment.
Lloyd was driven away to the police station. The team went home, after a mostly good day’s work.
“Sorted?”, Abby Maitland asked him.
“Absolutely”, Connor smiled.
“Shall we let the others know?”, Mia Turner posed another question.
“Of course”, Connor replied. The girls got out their phones and started texting the team. Rex flew down and perched himself beside Abby, and Sid and Nancy came to Connor’s feet. He bent down and petted them.
Ten minutes later, the whole team had gathered outside a semi-detached house not far from the now shut down ARC. The Home Secretary had closed the ARC Operations, and the team now had no jobs. Lester had joined them aswell. Connor walked up the front garden path and to the door. He stood on the step, rang the doorbell and stepped back down. A familiar face opened the door.
”Hey, nice to see you again!”, Connor said. He’d gone to ex-team member Lloyd Daniels. Lloyd invited them all in, saying hello to everyone again.
“Right, fill me in on what’s happened”, Lloyd asked them.
“Basically, the imbeciles known as the press found out about the anomalies, we had to go to several dull meetings when I had better things to do, and we got shut down by the Home Secretary”, James Lester explained.
”OK, and you’re all meant to be sacked?”, Lloyd dug deeper.
“Meant is the key word in that sentence”, Mia told him.
“But we can’t just let untrained people deal with these creatures”, Cutter added.
“We’d all be doomed if some civil servants went to deal with the anomalies”, Danny joked.
“Danny, don’t forget, there is a civil servant sitting right here”, Claudia raised her eyebrows.
“Where?”, Danny jested. Claudia rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Anyway, I’ve got the ARC software on my laptop. I can load all the systems you need, Jess, for the Detector”, Connor informed her.
“OK, sounds cool. I’m guessing I’ll be staying here?”, Jess asked.
“I suppose you could come if you want to”, Cutter told her.
“Really?! Thanks!”, Jess grinned.
”I’ll see what I can do with this Detector thing”, Lester commented.
“Lloyd, wanna join us, for old times’ sake?”, Danny offered.
“Go on, just this once. But don’t be making a habit out of it!”, Lloyd accepted.
“Now, all we’ve got to do is wait”, said Sarah.
The team just surfed the internet and watched television while waiting for an anomaly. Lloyd, Connor, Danny, Abby and Mia went outside and played football in the back garden. Connor was ridiculously bad as a goalkeeper, and Abby and Mia wished they weren’t on his team! Danny and Lloyd won 5-0. Meanwhile, Claudia and Jenny were looking on Facebook. They were looking through Cutter’s old photos.
“Wow, he looked so different!”, Claudia laughed.
“What’s this?”, Cutter walked over. Jenny shut the laptop.
“Err, nothing!”, Jenny lied.
“Hrm, OK”, Cutter knew she was lying, but he went along with it.
“Don’t you feel that we’re doing the wrong thing, by doing this being the Home Secretary’s back?”, Jenny asked her new boyfriend.
“In a way, but we could save many many lives by intervening. There are pros and cons for this, I suppose”. Jenny nodded, and Cutter went to see what Sarah and Harry were watching.
During this, Jess was busy teaching Lester how to work the ARC systems. Lester was incredibly bad with computers, but he was learning quickly.
A slightly quieter sound came out of Connor’s laptop, but still familiar nonetheless.
“Where is it?”, Danny asked, running in from the garden.
“Lester?”, Jess nudged him.
“Oh, yes, it’s, erm, bear with me, erm, Jess?”, Lester had forgotten it all.
“You press Enter”, Jess told him.
“Ah yes, just testing”, Lester lied. Jess rolled her eyes.
“It’s in the middle of…this street?”, Lester sounded confused.
“It’s true”, Sarah muttered to herself. She wandered over to Danny, “Danny, can I stay here? I’ve got something I want to go over. It’s to do with my theory about the anomaly and genes in your body”.
“I’ve got a feeling you may be helping Lester more than working on that, but go on then”, Danny smiled, “Catch you later”.
The team, including Lloyd and Jess, stepped outside the house. Captain Mitchell was not with them, and he had to return to the Home Office. However, Cutter carried out the Anomaly Locker.
“Woah, woah, why do we need that? I’ve got the…the…”, Connor was checking his pockets, “Where’s the Anomaly Opener? You know, the new one, that we found?”
“I don’t know, you must’ve left it at the ARC”, Harry told him.
“Damn! I needed that”, Connor cursed.
“Connor, it’s just a piece of technology. We’ll get the ARC back soon!”, Abby reassured him.
“But we don’t know that, do we?”, Connor moaned.
“Look, why don’t we go back and sneak in, have a little search?”, Danny suggested.
“What if you get caught? You could be sent to jail for breaking and entering!”, Claudia argued.
“But who’s really going to be there?”, Danny argued back, “Come on. Connor, Lloyd, you two come with me”. Those two followed Danny around the corner.
Sarah sat at Lloyd’s dining table. She had all her papers from the ARC in front of her. She ran over all her theories on the matter so far. This anomaly was perfect evidence. The anomalies always happen closer to people that got through them. There are still the odd anomalies that open in weird areas, for example the first anomaly in the Forest of Dean, and the first Lincoln anomaly. It does explain, however, why most anomalies do open up near them. She added this to her notes.
“Sarah!”, Lester called.
“What now?”, she sighed.
“How do you speak into this earpiece?”, Lester asked.
Sarah walked over to him. “You click this, and type the password”.
“What password?”, Lester was confused.
“Didn’t Jess tell you?”
“I thought she was joking”
“What, because the password is JamesLester, with no space?”
“Dear God, it’s true!”, Lester was raging.
Connor, Danny and Lloyd were walking to the ARC, when Lloyd spotted something.
”Quick, in there!”, he pushed the other two into an alley. He’d seen a van with the ARC logo on it. It was the soldiers. They’d detected something from the Home Office, where the Detector was now placed.
“We’ve got to warn them”, Connor decided. Danny spoke to Cutter through his earpiece and informed them.
“Quick, let’s get this over and done with!”, said Danny.
“The soldiers are on their way. We need to get out of here!”, Cutter ordered. They started running for the house.
“What about the cars?”, Lester spoke through the earpiece, “They know to make sure you don’t come anywhere near the anomaly”.
Abby decided to get into her car, and she drove it past the anomaly and turned left, so it was out of sight. Harry and Cutter did the same. They both met in one place, and informed the others. They now had to sneak out without the soldiers, who had just arrived, seeing them.
“Right, here we are!”, Connor announced.
“Wait, this isn’t the ARC!”, Lloyd was confused.
“Oh, we’ve moved since you left”, Danny announced.
“Looks flash”, Lloyd complimented the building. It looked more like your usual office block than a secret government organisation, which was a good thing in reality.
“No soldiers on guard. Perfect”, Danny smiled. He strolled up to the gates, waving at the CCTV cameras.
At the Home Office, the Home Secretary was watching the CCTV cameras from the ARC. She saw Danny waving, and was not happy.
“Get them out of there now!”, she commanded. A soldier on her right replied, saying “Yes ma’am”.
“Keep calm, they can’t cause too much trouble now. They’ve already fallen into the trap”, a voice from behind her came. The Home Secretary looked around, and no-one was there.
The soldiers were setting up another locking mechanism. One pressed a few buttons and the anomaly was locked. They turned around to guard it for a little while, and they didn’t notice it spring open again. Abby was watching from round the corner, and had the old style Anomaly Opener in her hand. She was going to play with it to distract the soldiers, but nothing yet.
“Hope something comes out”, Harry commented. And as if on queue, a bird like creature flew out. It flew down and attacked a soldier. Others primed their guns and started shooting. It flew off into the air and on top of Lloyd’s house.
Meanwhile, inside Lloyd’s house, the others were packing everything up, ready to make their exit.
“Is it safe yet?”, Mia asked through her earpiece.
“No. I think it might be best to go through the back. There’s an alley leading from the garden to where we are”, Abby remembered from playing football outside.
“What are we waiting for?”, Jess smiled. She led the way outside. Claudia was the last out, and she locked Lloyd’s house.
They were running down the alley, making as little noise as possible, to Cutter, Abby and Harry.
“Not the nicest weather. Oh well, that’s not stopped us before”, Lester mentioned.
“It’s been like this since the Safari Park. Like the sky has turned against us”, Cutter thought. The weather was almost certainly unusual, especially for the summertime. It was cloudy and cold, with a bit of a breeze.
“Something doesn’t feel right”, Jenny added.
Lester snorted, “Oh do be serious. It’s just the weather, how is that of any significance?”
“It’s a Nyctosaurus, Seems to be causing them a lot of trouble”, Cutter said after a moment’s silence, pointing to Lloyd’s chimney.
“What can we do?”, Jenny asked.
”Nothing, we can’t do anything”, Cutter replied, “We have no weapons”.
“So we’ll just stand back while it devours soldiers, or sits on Lloyd’s chimney?”, Sarah asked.
“You could put it that way”, Cutter smiled.
“Look Cutter, I thought the idea was that less people got killed”, Lester moaned.
“And they will. I’ve got a plan”, Cutter revealed.
Danny had gained access to the ARC, and Connor was leading the way to his lab. It was weird to see the ARC completely cleared of everything.
Lloyd heard a noise come from the door, “They know we’re here”.
“Hurry up Connor!”, Danny rushed him.
”OK, it’s just round here”, Connor led the way. He pressed the buttons to gain access to his lab. He opened the door, and saw the Anomaly Opener lying on the desk. But as soon as he picked it up, they were joined by two angry looking soldiers. Danny squared up to one, and Lloyd took another. Connor was trying to think of a way out. Danny threw a punch, and Lloyd started fighting his soldier. After many bruises were gained, the two soldiers were unconscious on the floor.
“Right, let’s go!”, Danny hurried them. They ran outside, and were trapped with more soldiers blocking their entrances. Connor pressed some buttons on the Anomaly Opener.
”No offence Connor, but that’s not gonna do us any good right now”, Danny was looking one soldier straight in the eye.
”You think?”, Connor pressed one more button and an anomaly opened. The trio stepped through it and Connor closed it on the other side. They were in Lloyd’s house. They wondered where the team were, and peaked out the window.
“Back door!”, Lloyd suggested. They followed the route that the others took, and met them at the end of the alley.
”What are you three doing here?”, Jess asked.
”Doesn’t matter. All that matters is how we’re going to get rid of them soldiers”, Danny told them.
“And our friend up there”, Cutter mentioned.
“A Nyctosaurus…”
“Yes, we know!”, Mia cut off Connor, and took his hand.
The trio had Cutter’s plan explained to them, and it then got put into action. Abby got inside her car, and drove out behind the anomaly. Soldiers noticed, and followed her, running. Abby drove back past the anomaly and out of sight. The soldiers had followed her. One soldier lay dead on the floor, and Jess volunteered to go and pick up the gun.
She was noticed by the Nyctosaurus, and it swooped down to her. She got knocked over, but she wasn’t hurt. She lay on the floor, reaching for the gun. It was just out of reach. The Nyctosaurus was on its way back, and it was hungry. She grabbed the gun, and she shot it, just in time. It landed with a thud on the ground. Lloyd ran over and helped Jess out.
“Thanks”, Jess smiled.
”No problem”, Lloyd replied. He gestured to the others, signalling that it was safe to come over. They all shifted the prehistoric beast back through the anomaly, and Connor got to use his device.
Mia let Abby know that she could come back. The soldiers had given up and gone back, Abby told Mia, so they decided to make themselves scarce. They went back to Lloyd’s house, and had a cup of tea. The soldiers were guarding the now locked anomaly, not that they even noticed a difference. Before long, a posh black car pulled up outside. Out got the Home Secretary. Lester and Claudia recognised her, and told the others that this was bad news. They ran out the back way. Lloyd said he’d stay there. He promised he’d be alright.
“I’ll be fine!”, he insisted.
“I’ll stay with you”, Jess decided.
”No, you must go with the others. As I said, it’ll all be fine!”, Lloyd grabbed her hand. She let go of his hand and ran off.
Lloyd answered the door.
“Lloyd Daniels?”, a woman asked.
“Yes”, Lloyd replied.
“I’m arresting you on suspicion of breaking and entering”, she told him.
“What?! You can’t!”, he was totally shocked, but he knew how she found out. She had sent the soldiers to the ARC and they informed her. After all, Lloyd wasn’t an ‘unknown’, was he? A police officer escorted him to a car. Lloyd struggled a little, but he realised there was no way out. Jess and the others watched from the corner of the road. Jess was crying. She’d developed a very good relationship with Lloyd and this broke her heart. She started to run, and Lester ran after her to pull her back.
“You can’t give our game away”, he told her.
”But…but…”, Jess stuttered.
Lester put his arm around her.
“Why are you doing that?”, she asked him.
”I don’t know. I’m not even this kind to my wife”, he was totally serious about his comment.
Lloyd was driven away to the police station. The team went home, after a mostly good day’s work.
Next: "Hitting Home"