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Next: "The Raid"
Series 1 Episode 11
"Home Is Where the Anomaly Is"
The team from the Home Office were busy packing up their things from their desks. The ARC was ready to move into, and they couldn’t wait! The Anomaly Detector had been turned off and boxed up, and Mia was quite excited. But for Danny, Connor, Jenny, Abby and Sarah, it will be like déjà vu. Danny, Abby & Connor had gone through an anomaly to stop Helen Cutter from destroying humanity by poisoning the first few hominids. Sarah and Captain Becker had to go through to save them, with Jenny’s help. When they all came back through, they found themselves in a world where evolution has gone wrong, or even right, as Nick Cutter & Stephen Hart didn’t die, and Claudia Brown existed, instead of Jenny. Also, they were still in the Home Office, instead of the ARC! Since then, Helen has been found alive due to a device from the future, and has shot Stephen and Becker. Mia Turner had been recruited not long afterwards.
At the ARC, Lester was sitting in swivelling chair, in his posh office. He was directing the soldiers where to put things.
“No no no, I told you to put it over there! Gosh, these soldiers can be right pains”, grumped Lester.
Matt Jackson was watching as the team drove away from the Home Office for the final time.
”They’ve gone”, he spoke into his earpiece.
”Follow them”, replied a female voice. It was sinister. So Matt got into his car, and drove after them, but keeping his distance.
Danny, Abby, Connor, Jenny and Sarah didn’t feel as excited as the others when they saw the ARC. It was nothing new to them.
“Woah!”, exclaimed Mia, looking amazed. Claudia stood there shocked at how big it was. A soldier showed the team to their lockers. There were several there, labelled: Professor Nick Cutter, Danny Quinn, Connor Temple, Mia Turner, Abby Maitland, Jenny Lewis, Claudia Brown and Sarah Page. There were a couple more for people such as the scientists or professors. The Detector was being unpacked in the middle of the Main Operations Room, aswell as 4 research desks, with a few more proper desks round the edges, for the team. Only Cutter, Danny, Connor and some other person got desks though. The main research desks in the middle had to be shared. Connor remembers studying the Artefact on one of the desks.
Matt Jackson got stuck at the security gate outside the ARC. He didn’t have a pass, so couldn’t go in. He got back in his car and drove back to his mistress’ base.
The Anomaly Detector had rung off, and Connor and Mia ran over to find out where it was.
“It’s at…it’s at…my house!”, stuttered Abby. And quite right she was, as at Abby’s flat, an anomaly had opened. Rex was nearly knocked off his perch, and Sid and Nancy looked pretty startled too.
The team arrived pronto at Abby’s house. Connor and Abby ran in as fast as they could. Abby called for Rex, well as Connor tried to get Sid and Nancy to come to him. None of the trio came.
“They’ve gone through”, worried Abby.
“Oh god, another rescue mission”, moaned Jenny.
All the team decided to go through this time. They got ready, and they went through the shimmering ball of light. It was a sandy era, with blue skies and a few little plants. A few creatures were gathered together in the distance.
“They’re called the Scutosaurus”, mentioned Connor, to Mia.
“So this is the Permian era”, Cutter told the group, “And Rex, Sid & Nancy are all from the Permian era, so that means we might not be able to find them”.
Abby started crying on Connor’s shoulder. She might be a good kickboxer, but she was a softie inside, not that she liked showing it. She had become good friends with Rex, and couldn’t bear the thought of him not coming back. A group of Coelerusauravus swept over the gang’s heads.
”Maybe try calling Rex, Sid and Nancy to you, then they may respond and come running”, suggested Sarah.
“They’re not Golden Retrievers”, moaned Abby, “But we’ll try”.
They tried calling for them, and sure, enough, Rex flew over, and 2 little Diictodons came running over. But then a roar came, with a load of stamping. A sabre toothed creature came storming over to them.
”Run, Gorgonopsid”, cried Claudia. They all ran as fast as they could, and scrambled back through the anomaly. The Gorgonopsid didn’t stop though, just Connor got through carrying Sid & Nancy, the it followed them through, and started trashing the flat! Connor heard his phone go, and searched his pockets. He found it, and noticed the Gorgonopsid was getting disturbed by it, and looked at Connor, like it was about to lunge at him. Connor threw it through the anomaly, and the Gorgonopsid followed it. Connor remembered something else in his pockets. It was the Anomaly Opener. He quickly put in some co-ordinates and closed the anomaly.
“Phew!”, he gasped.
They all went back, and were greeted by a very distressed Lester.
“Note to self, remember to book proper removal men next time, and not use soldiers”, he moaned. Everyone laughed.
At the ARC, Mia was chatting to Connor.
“Would you like to come and stay at mine, while Abby’s house is being re-done?”, asked Mia. Abby’s flat had been completely demolished. Abby had moved in with Sarah, but there wasn’t enough room for Connor too, so Mia asked.
“Yeah, why not?”, replied Connor. They grinned at each other.
Back at the underground base, Matt Jackson was being told off for not completing his task.
“You said you would do better next time, and you did worse!”, his mistress told him.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but I couldn’t get past the security gate”, pleaded Matt.
“OK. Give me a piece of you nails or hair”, ordered the mistress.
“Why? Never mind”, quickly said Matt, and picked a bit of one of his nails off.
“Excellent”, planned the mistress, “Now I can have an army of clones!” She pointed towards loads of clones of DI Carl Smith. The real one standing behind Matt, and they both looked just as shocked.
“Soon, we will be able to stop the work of the ARC, and kill humanity once more”, smirked Helen Cutter.
At the ARC, Lester was sitting in swivelling chair, in his posh office. He was directing the soldiers where to put things.
“No no no, I told you to put it over there! Gosh, these soldiers can be right pains”, grumped Lester.
Matt Jackson was watching as the team drove away from the Home Office for the final time.
”They’ve gone”, he spoke into his earpiece.
”Follow them”, replied a female voice. It was sinister. So Matt got into his car, and drove after them, but keeping his distance.
Danny, Abby, Connor, Jenny and Sarah didn’t feel as excited as the others when they saw the ARC. It was nothing new to them.
“Woah!”, exclaimed Mia, looking amazed. Claudia stood there shocked at how big it was. A soldier showed the team to their lockers. There were several there, labelled: Professor Nick Cutter, Danny Quinn, Connor Temple, Mia Turner, Abby Maitland, Jenny Lewis, Claudia Brown and Sarah Page. There were a couple more for people such as the scientists or professors. The Detector was being unpacked in the middle of the Main Operations Room, aswell as 4 research desks, with a few more proper desks round the edges, for the team. Only Cutter, Danny, Connor and some other person got desks though. The main research desks in the middle had to be shared. Connor remembers studying the Artefact on one of the desks.
Matt Jackson got stuck at the security gate outside the ARC. He didn’t have a pass, so couldn’t go in. He got back in his car and drove back to his mistress’ base.
The Anomaly Detector had rung off, and Connor and Mia ran over to find out where it was.
“It’s at…it’s at…my house!”, stuttered Abby. And quite right she was, as at Abby’s flat, an anomaly had opened. Rex was nearly knocked off his perch, and Sid and Nancy looked pretty startled too.
The team arrived pronto at Abby’s house. Connor and Abby ran in as fast as they could. Abby called for Rex, well as Connor tried to get Sid and Nancy to come to him. None of the trio came.
“They’ve gone through”, worried Abby.
“Oh god, another rescue mission”, moaned Jenny.
All the team decided to go through this time. They got ready, and they went through the shimmering ball of light. It was a sandy era, with blue skies and a few little plants. A few creatures were gathered together in the distance.
“They’re called the Scutosaurus”, mentioned Connor, to Mia.
“So this is the Permian era”, Cutter told the group, “And Rex, Sid & Nancy are all from the Permian era, so that means we might not be able to find them”.
Abby started crying on Connor’s shoulder. She might be a good kickboxer, but she was a softie inside, not that she liked showing it. She had become good friends with Rex, and couldn’t bear the thought of him not coming back. A group of Coelerusauravus swept over the gang’s heads.
”Maybe try calling Rex, Sid and Nancy to you, then they may respond and come running”, suggested Sarah.
“They’re not Golden Retrievers”, moaned Abby, “But we’ll try”.
They tried calling for them, and sure, enough, Rex flew over, and 2 little Diictodons came running over. But then a roar came, with a load of stamping. A sabre toothed creature came storming over to them.
”Run, Gorgonopsid”, cried Claudia. They all ran as fast as they could, and scrambled back through the anomaly. The Gorgonopsid didn’t stop though, just Connor got through carrying Sid & Nancy, the it followed them through, and started trashing the flat! Connor heard his phone go, and searched his pockets. He found it, and noticed the Gorgonopsid was getting disturbed by it, and looked at Connor, like it was about to lunge at him. Connor threw it through the anomaly, and the Gorgonopsid followed it. Connor remembered something else in his pockets. It was the Anomaly Opener. He quickly put in some co-ordinates and closed the anomaly.
“Phew!”, he gasped.
They all went back, and were greeted by a very distressed Lester.
“Note to self, remember to book proper removal men next time, and not use soldiers”, he moaned. Everyone laughed.
At the ARC, Mia was chatting to Connor.
“Would you like to come and stay at mine, while Abby’s house is being re-done?”, asked Mia. Abby’s flat had been completely demolished. Abby had moved in with Sarah, but there wasn’t enough room for Connor too, so Mia asked.
“Yeah, why not?”, replied Connor. They grinned at each other.
Back at the underground base, Matt Jackson was being told off for not completing his task.
“You said you would do better next time, and you did worse!”, his mistress told him.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but I couldn’t get past the security gate”, pleaded Matt.
“OK. Give me a piece of you nails or hair”, ordered the mistress.
“Why? Never mind”, quickly said Matt, and picked a bit of one of his nails off.
“Excellent”, planned the mistress, “Now I can have an army of clones!” She pointed towards loads of clones of DI Carl Smith. The real one standing behind Matt, and they both looked just as shocked.
“Soon, we will be able to stop the work of the ARC, and kill humanity once more”, smirked Helen Cutter.
Next: "The Raid"