Next: "Unravelling"
Series 3 Episode 3
"It's All in the Eyes"
Written by timelord6
Katie woke sat up, her bed sheets were all over the place and she had a scorching headache. She stared at the wall for a moment trying to recollect her memories. Then it came to her, she'd had a dream about the ARC. The dream was fading but the bits she'd pieced together included Sasha lay down in one of the ARC labs, Lucie screaming and a big hairy pig. It was 4 in the morning and she didn't need this stress. Katie got up had a Night Nurse and drank a glass of water. When she woke at 7 Katie had forgotten her dream.
Alex was in the ARC doing some jiggery-pokery with the anomaly detector when Katie walked in looking like a zombie. He was thinking of something to say that wouldn't offend her but Ben got there before him as he walked down from his office. "Katie you look dreadful, you should go home and have a rest" Ben said with hardly any tone.
"Oh thanks Ben, that's really kind of you" Katie replied squinting because of the lights behind Ben.
"Erm, no, there's a Government official on his way here, I don't want him thinking we're scruffy" Ben mockingly explained.
"Oh" mumbled Katie as she turned around and walked out. As she put her hand on the door handle the lights turned red and alarms blazed. She spun round to see the Anomaly Detector was detecting an Anomaly. "Test alarm, Alex?" Katie shouted over the alarms. Alex jumped up and pressed enter on the keyboard to turn the alarms off.
"Nope, wasn't me." he said while navigating the Anomaly Detectors many map systems to the Anomaly's location. The rest of the team ran into the main operations area. Mike Andrews, Sasha West, Georgia Stevens, Jimmy Turner and Lucie Campbell all collected there equipment and were out in a flash with Alex and Katie in tow.
They arrived at the Anomaly site in 2 cars. They stepped out of the cars and took in the scene. They had been brought to a multi-storey car park that went up for about 5 floors. They looked at each other and sighed. Katie got out her mobile and called Ben, Katie spoke in an urgent tone but Ben didn't seem to understand the urgency "Hello Ben...Ben! No we're not coming back......well tell him to wait. Yes I know who's in charge. Ok listen, go to the anomaly detector and press ctrl, 3 and D. Yes at the same time!. What floor is the anomaly on? 4? 5 ok! Bye!"
"Ok floor 5, the top floor, great (!)" Georgia moaned.
"At least any creatures won't be able to get out without passing us" Jimmy added.
Jimmy, Mike, Georgia and 2 soldiers took the lift to the top while Katie, Alex, Lucie, Sasha and another soldier walked up the ramps.
The lift reached floor 5 and the doors opened slowly. There, right in front of the doors was the Anomaly. The 2 soldiers aimed at the Anomaly and the one with Goatee said to Mike: "We're trapped sir, what do you suggest?"
Mike looked at him then at the anomaly: "We go to floor 4 and take the stairs" The goatee soldier pressed the 4 button and the lift doors closed. Jimmy could swear he saw the Anomaly flash, as if something passed through it. He looked to Georgia but she didn't seem to have noticed.
Meanwhile on floor 5 a large, furry, pig-like creature appeared from the Anomaly in gallop. It crashed into a car setting off an alarm. The pig went ballistic and ran down the ramp to floor 4 then to floor 3.
The lift stopped at floor 4 and the soldiers stepped out then Jimmy, Mike and Georgia. They all heard the car alarm and ran up the stairs. And just missed the big, hairy pig run down the ramp...
Alex was tired, they'd got to floor 2 but Sasha had insisted they ran up the ramps when they heard the car alarm. "Don’t get me wrong," Alex explained to Sasha between breaths: "But I'm more of the lift weights while Top Gear is on type rather than going running every morning at 6" The soldier sighed and continue onwards with Sasha and Lucie.
Katie sat down and put her head in her hands. "Katie, is there something wrong?" Alex asked feeling genuinely worried.
"I don't know, Alex, I just feel drained." Katie explained from behind her palms.
"Let me have a look at you" Alex insisted. Katie took her hands away from her face and sat up. Alex jumped backwards and rubbed his eyes in an almost comical way.
"What is it?!"
Alex pointed at her eyes and described what he was seeing: "There’s something in your eyes, it's that's impossible. Katie it's like you've got an Anomaly in your eyes!"
The other half of the team ran out of the stairwell onto floor 5. This being the top floor meant it was open. The wind was terrible up here and Georgia's hair was blocking her vision. Mike would've made a joke but he didn't want to look unprofessional in front of the 2 soldiers. Jimmy went over to the car with the alarm. He reached in and put the keys on the seat into the ignition then turned the engine on and off to silence the alarm. Mike had a look at the back of the car, there was a large dent facing the Anomaly. Georgia looked around and came up with a series of events that would make sense: "I think a creature must have come through and hit the car then got spooked by the alarm. It must have gone back through the Anomaly"
"Great, an easy day for once" Jimmy said.
"Don't jinx it Jimmy"
On floor 3 Lucie, Sasha and the soldier (Sasha had made some small talk and found out his name was Alonso) were stood next to a pay and display machine which looked like it had been ran over. "It doesn't have to be a creature" Sasha told the soldier
"If it's all the same ma'am, I'd like to make sure the area is safe" and with that they turned around to go to the next ramp. They were faced by a massive pig covered in brown fur. Lucie screamed.
Floor 2, Katie had passed out when Alex had told her about her eyes. Alex tried not to panic but it was hard not to considering the situation. He checked her pulse, it was slower than the last time he checked. The first aid stuff was with the soldiers at the Anomaly site on floor 5. He scooped Katie up into his arms and ran to the next floor, he seemed to have all the energy in the world now.
Georgia. Jimmy and Mike were heading down to floor 3 when they saw Sasha, Lucie, a soldier and a big hairy pig. The soldier's gun was underneath a red mini out of his reach. The soldier that wasn't called Alonso and didn't have a goatee loaded his gun with a tranquiliser dart and aimed at the pig. Then suddenly Alex ran up a ramp with an unconscious Katie in his arms. The pig moved and ran at Alex as the soldier fired. Sasha was hit by the dart in her shoulder. She immediately collapsed but luckily Lucie caught her. Alex stared at the pig charging at him and spun on the spot and ran in the opposite direction. "Heeeeeeeelp!" Alex shouted.
The soldier shot another dart into the Pig's hip making it slip and land on top of the red mini. Alex gave Katie to Jimmy and ran over to check on Sasha. "She's alright, she only took in a little of the sedative" Alex told the team.
"...And Katie?" Jimmy inquired.
"I'll explain later"
Mike got out his mobile and called the ARC: " We're gonna need a trailer here pronto"
Later while the team were trying to get the pig onto the trailer, Katie woke up. Alex was there to greet her with a "Morning sleepy head" and a glass of water. Katie sat up and looked at the pig. Her eyes widened.
"Katie, are you ok?"
"Yeah... I'm fine, really"
Eventually the team got the pig on the trailer and drove it up to floor 5. Mike drove the Jeep through the Anomaly.
In the past Mike and Jimmy got out the Jeep and went over to the trailer. Jimmy tried to tip the creature off the trailer but Mike stopped him and pointed at the Anomaly which was now fluctuating: "There’s no time, unclip the trailer and let's go!"
Jimmy separated the trailer from the back of the Jeep and jumped in as Mike began to dive off. They passed through the Anomaly and skidded to a halt in front of the team in the present. The Anomaly closed.
At the ARC, Alex brought Katie into a lab. Katie looked around and saw Sasha lying on one of the lab tables. She stopped and started shaking.
"Ok Katie, tell me what's wrong?!"
"Alex, did Lucie scream today?"
"Just answer me" Katie snapped.
"Yes I heard her as I carried you up there, why?"
"Last night I had a dream about a hairy pig, Sasha lying in here and Lucie screaming"
"It must be to do with your experiences with the Anomalies; I think I can help you. Wait here"
Later Alex returned with a test tube full of white powder and a packet of tablets. He put them on the table: "Ok this is something Doctors are working on to treat bullet wounds, it contains magnetic substances to dissolve the bullet and flush it from the body. It should have a similar effect on the Anomaly energy in your body, take a tea spoon in some water every night," Alex explained.
"And these pills?" Katie asked.
"Oh that's a packet of Night Nurse..."
"Thank you Alex"
"Oh and if I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone"
"No need, I'm sure I'll be fine..."
Georgia was watching TV in her flat, Jurassic Park on ITV2. She kept telling herself it was research but really she just liked laughing at people failing at what she did every day. She decided to pop out and buy some Easter eggs for her friends, the ARC team.
She walked down the road to a newsagent; the owner was outside changing the headline stand. She walked inside and went to the back where the chocolate was. She browsed through the eggs. There was a wide selection available: Disney themed, Doctor Who, Cadburys, Nestle and one with some little toy dinosaurs with it (she decided it would be unwise to get anyone that one). She bought Ben a Kit Kat egg, Lucie a galaxy egg, Alex a Finding Nemo egg, Mike a Tarzan one, Sasha a Mars one and Katy a Thornton’s egg. She payed at the till once the owner had finished outside then she walk out. She walked past the newly updated headline stand showing tomorrow’s headline. “Dinosaurs in Park, Secret Government Organisation to Blame”
Alex was in the ARC doing some jiggery-pokery with the anomaly detector when Katie walked in looking like a zombie. He was thinking of something to say that wouldn't offend her but Ben got there before him as he walked down from his office. "Katie you look dreadful, you should go home and have a rest" Ben said with hardly any tone.
"Oh thanks Ben, that's really kind of you" Katie replied squinting because of the lights behind Ben.
"Erm, no, there's a Government official on his way here, I don't want him thinking we're scruffy" Ben mockingly explained.
"Oh" mumbled Katie as she turned around and walked out. As she put her hand on the door handle the lights turned red and alarms blazed. She spun round to see the Anomaly Detector was detecting an Anomaly. "Test alarm, Alex?" Katie shouted over the alarms. Alex jumped up and pressed enter on the keyboard to turn the alarms off.
"Nope, wasn't me." he said while navigating the Anomaly Detectors many map systems to the Anomaly's location. The rest of the team ran into the main operations area. Mike Andrews, Sasha West, Georgia Stevens, Jimmy Turner and Lucie Campbell all collected there equipment and were out in a flash with Alex and Katie in tow.
They arrived at the Anomaly site in 2 cars. They stepped out of the cars and took in the scene. They had been brought to a multi-storey car park that went up for about 5 floors. They looked at each other and sighed. Katie got out her mobile and called Ben, Katie spoke in an urgent tone but Ben didn't seem to understand the urgency "Hello Ben...Ben! No we're not coming back......well tell him to wait. Yes I know who's in charge. Ok listen, go to the anomaly detector and press ctrl, 3 and D. Yes at the same time!. What floor is the anomaly on? 4? 5 ok! Bye!"
"Ok floor 5, the top floor, great (!)" Georgia moaned.
"At least any creatures won't be able to get out without passing us" Jimmy added.
Jimmy, Mike, Georgia and 2 soldiers took the lift to the top while Katie, Alex, Lucie, Sasha and another soldier walked up the ramps.
The lift reached floor 5 and the doors opened slowly. There, right in front of the doors was the Anomaly. The 2 soldiers aimed at the Anomaly and the one with Goatee said to Mike: "We're trapped sir, what do you suggest?"
Mike looked at him then at the anomaly: "We go to floor 4 and take the stairs" The goatee soldier pressed the 4 button and the lift doors closed. Jimmy could swear he saw the Anomaly flash, as if something passed through it. He looked to Georgia but she didn't seem to have noticed.
Meanwhile on floor 5 a large, furry, pig-like creature appeared from the Anomaly in gallop. It crashed into a car setting off an alarm. The pig went ballistic and ran down the ramp to floor 4 then to floor 3.
The lift stopped at floor 4 and the soldiers stepped out then Jimmy, Mike and Georgia. They all heard the car alarm and ran up the stairs. And just missed the big, hairy pig run down the ramp...
Alex was tired, they'd got to floor 2 but Sasha had insisted they ran up the ramps when they heard the car alarm. "Don’t get me wrong," Alex explained to Sasha between breaths: "But I'm more of the lift weights while Top Gear is on type rather than going running every morning at 6" The soldier sighed and continue onwards with Sasha and Lucie.
Katie sat down and put her head in her hands. "Katie, is there something wrong?" Alex asked feeling genuinely worried.
"I don't know, Alex, I just feel drained." Katie explained from behind her palms.
"Let me have a look at you" Alex insisted. Katie took her hands away from her face and sat up. Alex jumped backwards and rubbed his eyes in an almost comical way.
"What is it?!"
Alex pointed at her eyes and described what he was seeing: "There’s something in your eyes, it's that's impossible. Katie it's like you've got an Anomaly in your eyes!"
The other half of the team ran out of the stairwell onto floor 5. This being the top floor meant it was open. The wind was terrible up here and Georgia's hair was blocking her vision. Mike would've made a joke but he didn't want to look unprofessional in front of the 2 soldiers. Jimmy went over to the car with the alarm. He reached in and put the keys on the seat into the ignition then turned the engine on and off to silence the alarm. Mike had a look at the back of the car, there was a large dent facing the Anomaly. Georgia looked around and came up with a series of events that would make sense: "I think a creature must have come through and hit the car then got spooked by the alarm. It must have gone back through the Anomaly"
"Great, an easy day for once" Jimmy said.
"Don't jinx it Jimmy"
On floor 3 Lucie, Sasha and the soldier (Sasha had made some small talk and found out his name was Alonso) were stood next to a pay and display machine which looked like it had been ran over. "It doesn't have to be a creature" Sasha told the soldier
"If it's all the same ma'am, I'd like to make sure the area is safe" and with that they turned around to go to the next ramp. They were faced by a massive pig covered in brown fur. Lucie screamed.
Floor 2, Katie had passed out when Alex had told her about her eyes. Alex tried not to panic but it was hard not to considering the situation. He checked her pulse, it was slower than the last time he checked. The first aid stuff was with the soldiers at the Anomaly site on floor 5. He scooped Katie up into his arms and ran to the next floor, he seemed to have all the energy in the world now.
Georgia. Jimmy and Mike were heading down to floor 3 when they saw Sasha, Lucie, a soldier and a big hairy pig. The soldier's gun was underneath a red mini out of his reach. The soldier that wasn't called Alonso and didn't have a goatee loaded his gun with a tranquiliser dart and aimed at the pig. Then suddenly Alex ran up a ramp with an unconscious Katie in his arms. The pig moved and ran at Alex as the soldier fired. Sasha was hit by the dart in her shoulder. She immediately collapsed but luckily Lucie caught her. Alex stared at the pig charging at him and spun on the spot and ran in the opposite direction. "Heeeeeeeelp!" Alex shouted.
The soldier shot another dart into the Pig's hip making it slip and land on top of the red mini. Alex gave Katie to Jimmy and ran over to check on Sasha. "She's alright, she only took in a little of the sedative" Alex told the team.
"...And Katie?" Jimmy inquired.
"I'll explain later"
Mike got out his mobile and called the ARC: " We're gonna need a trailer here pronto"
Later while the team were trying to get the pig onto the trailer, Katie woke up. Alex was there to greet her with a "Morning sleepy head" and a glass of water. Katie sat up and looked at the pig. Her eyes widened.
"Katie, are you ok?"
"Yeah... I'm fine, really"
Eventually the team got the pig on the trailer and drove it up to floor 5. Mike drove the Jeep through the Anomaly.
In the past Mike and Jimmy got out the Jeep and went over to the trailer. Jimmy tried to tip the creature off the trailer but Mike stopped him and pointed at the Anomaly which was now fluctuating: "There’s no time, unclip the trailer and let's go!"
Jimmy separated the trailer from the back of the Jeep and jumped in as Mike began to dive off. They passed through the Anomaly and skidded to a halt in front of the team in the present. The Anomaly closed.
At the ARC, Alex brought Katie into a lab. Katie looked around and saw Sasha lying on one of the lab tables. She stopped and started shaking.
"Ok Katie, tell me what's wrong?!"
"Alex, did Lucie scream today?"
"Just answer me" Katie snapped.
"Yes I heard her as I carried you up there, why?"
"Last night I had a dream about a hairy pig, Sasha lying in here and Lucie screaming"
"It must be to do with your experiences with the Anomalies; I think I can help you. Wait here"
Later Alex returned with a test tube full of white powder and a packet of tablets. He put them on the table: "Ok this is something Doctors are working on to treat bullet wounds, it contains magnetic substances to dissolve the bullet and flush it from the body. It should have a similar effect on the Anomaly energy in your body, take a tea spoon in some water every night," Alex explained.
"And these pills?" Katie asked.
"Oh that's a packet of Night Nurse..."
"Thank you Alex"
"Oh and if I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone"
"No need, I'm sure I'll be fine..."
Georgia was watching TV in her flat, Jurassic Park on ITV2. She kept telling herself it was research but really she just liked laughing at people failing at what she did every day. She decided to pop out and buy some Easter eggs for her friends, the ARC team.
She walked down the road to a newsagent; the owner was outside changing the headline stand. She walked inside and went to the back where the chocolate was. She browsed through the eggs. There was a wide selection available: Disney themed, Doctor Who, Cadburys, Nestle and one with some little toy dinosaurs with it (she decided it would be unwise to get anyone that one). She bought Ben a Kit Kat egg, Lucie a galaxy egg, Alex a Finding Nemo egg, Mike a Tarzan one, Sasha a Mars one and Katy a Thornton’s egg. She payed at the till once the owner had finished outside then she walk out. She walked past the newly updated headline stand showing tomorrow’s headline. “Dinosaurs in Park, Secret Government Organisation to Blame”
Next: "Unravelling"