Previous: "Aircraft Anomaly"
Next: "Driven Through the Car Park"
Series 3 Episode 5
"Plane Chaos"
Written by MarthaJonesFan and Abby Rihanna Fan
Guest Starring: Robyn Addison
Danny and Abby were frantically driving to the airport. They had to stop Connor and Sarah getting onto the plane. Little did they know that they were too late.
Meanwhile, on the plane, Connor and Sarah were being confronted by Helen Cutter and two Future Predators.
“Kill them”, Helen commanded in a deep heartless voice.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on”, Connor insisted, “What do you want exactly?”.
“I want you all to die”, she replied with an evil stare. She unleashed the Predators.
“Oh, did I tell you? One of them has a present for you inside - a bomb”, she added, smirking. Connor tried fighting one off, but he just got bitten in the arm. Helen set off the bomb, and the plane went up in flames. Most of the passengers survived the bomb, but with injuries. The other Predator survived aswell, but Helen was gone. Connor had cuts all over his face, he shouted for Sarah, who could not be seen amongst the smoke. No reply came. Connor started to worry about other things. Is the pilot still alive?, he thought to himself. He went to find out, and his answer was clear - no. The plane was crashing, and the Predator was still eating the assistant pilot. Connor fled, closing the door and locking it. He saw Sarah, and went to help her. She was unconscious. The Predator broke through and Connor started shooting it.
Danny and Abby arrived at the airport, to find they were too late. The plane had taken off. Danny was extremely annoyed. They decided to go back to the ARC.
At the ARC, the team were watching the news, and were surprised to see that there was breaking news of a plane heading out of control. It was said to have been on the way to Morocco.
“That’s where Sarah wanted to go”, Lester remembered.
Back on the plane, Connor was multi-tasking. He was dragging Sarah away and shooting the Predator. Someone else started to come round. He stood up.
“Can I help?”, he asked.
“Yeah, could you drag Sarah to safety please”, he requested. As he said this, the Predator leapt onto Connor. He dropped the gun, and shouted to the man.
“Shoot it!”, Connor shouted. The man was hesitant, but picked up the gun and shot the Predator. It fell back off Connor. The plane was nearing the ground. It hit the concrete pavement, smashing into smithereens. Connor was just about alive, and he checked Sarah. She was aswell. He was lucky to be conscious.
10 minutes later, a familiar vehicle pulled up. It was some cars from the ARC. Connor had helped Sarah out of the plane, and they were lying on the grass, too weak to go any further. Cutter helped Connor up, with Jenny and Lloyd helping Sarah to the car. The Predator appeared, and Mitchell shot it, and it ran off into the smoke. They drove off just as the police arrived with ambulances and fire engines. They went to hospital, and Connor told them all about it.
Helen had escaped through the anomaly on the plane. She was in her new hideout with Lily.
“It was a success, let’s just hope those 2 didn’t survive”, she grinned. Lily smiled.
A few days later, Connor and Sarah decided to investigate the idea of anomalies always opening near the team.
“We only get the odd anomaly opening somewhere that’s not near us, like the Forest Of Dean and Lincoln”, Sarah suggested to the team. Lester had offered her the job back, and was impressed with this theory. He let them investigate it.
Meanwhile, on the plane, Connor and Sarah were being confronted by Helen Cutter and two Future Predators.
“Kill them”, Helen commanded in a deep heartless voice.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on”, Connor insisted, “What do you want exactly?”.
“I want you all to die”, she replied with an evil stare. She unleashed the Predators.
“Oh, did I tell you? One of them has a present for you inside - a bomb”, she added, smirking. Connor tried fighting one off, but he just got bitten in the arm. Helen set off the bomb, and the plane went up in flames. Most of the passengers survived the bomb, but with injuries. The other Predator survived aswell, but Helen was gone. Connor had cuts all over his face, he shouted for Sarah, who could not be seen amongst the smoke. No reply came. Connor started to worry about other things. Is the pilot still alive?, he thought to himself. He went to find out, and his answer was clear - no. The plane was crashing, and the Predator was still eating the assistant pilot. Connor fled, closing the door and locking it. He saw Sarah, and went to help her. She was unconscious. The Predator broke through and Connor started shooting it.
Danny and Abby arrived at the airport, to find they were too late. The plane had taken off. Danny was extremely annoyed. They decided to go back to the ARC.
At the ARC, the team were watching the news, and were surprised to see that there was breaking news of a plane heading out of control. It was said to have been on the way to Morocco.
“That’s where Sarah wanted to go”, Lester remembered.
Back on the plane, Connor was multi-tasking. He was dragging Sarah away and shooting the Predator. Someone else started to come round. He stood up.
“Can I help?”, he asked.
“Yeah, could you drag Sarah to safety please”, he requested. As he said this, the Predator leapt onto Connor. He dropped the gun, and shouted to the man.
“Shoot it!”, Connor shouted. The man was hesitant, but picked up the gun and shot the Predator. It fell back off Connor. The plane was nearing the ground. It hit the concrete pavement, smashing into smithereens. Connor was just about alive, and he checked Sarah. She was aswell. He was lucky to be conscious.
10 minutes later, a familiar vehicle pulled up. It was some cars from the ARC. Connor had helped Sarah out of the plane, and they were lying on the grass, too weak to go any further. Cutter helped Connor up, with Jenny and Lloyd helping Sarah to the car. The Predator appeared, and Mitchell shot it, and it ran off into the smoke. They drove off just as the police arrived with ambulances and fire engines. They went to hospital, and Connor told them all about it.
Helen had escaped through the anomaly on the plane. She was in her new hideout with Lily.
“It was a success, let’s just hope those 2 didn’t survive”, she grinned. Lily smiled.
A few days later, Connor and Sarah decided to investigate the idea of anomalies always opening near the team.
“We only get the odd anomaly opening somewhere that’s not near us, like the Forest Of Dean and Lincoln”, Sarah suggested to the team. Lester had offered her the job back, and was impressed with this theory. He let them investigate it.
Next: "Driven Through the Car Park"